The Concert

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Jenny’s POV

                As soon as I am out of my dorm room, I’m already regretting this decision.  I decided on go to the Dames and Dukes’ concert even though chances are good I’ll have to see Harry in person for the first time in days.  Maybe the miniscule part of me that still has a thing for Harry yearns to see him again while most of me wants to vomit even thinking the traitor’s name.

                I’m on my way to music building alone because if Harry is here, I want to be alone when I see him the first time.  I know what could possibly happen if I saw him again and I don’t want Niall or Sarah to see the truly vengeful spirit still within me.  It’s slowly getting easier, but I am far from recovered.  They have been a big help so far especially with Sarah letting me camp out in her dorm, but I want my first encounter with Harry after the breakup to be on my own.

                In some ways it will be harder to go alone even if I just see him, but in other ways, I know this is for the best for both of us.  Honestly, none of us have heard from either him or Callie since our breakup.  It’s like they practically live in my room or in her car making sweet sex to one another and the thought of either place grosses me out to no end.

                It’s weird how mad I am at him still, but the way he touched me still lingers in my dreams.  I try to shake the thought out immediately as I walk into the building.  I look at the faces around me and fortunately I don’t see any of my close friends.  Niall was thinking about coming, but he dropped out last minute without me telling him to.  I think he wanted to go on a date with Cara or help with the ‘shower’ today for Zayn.

                I see the entrance to the auditorium and I walk on in.  I decide to sit on the second to last row.  It’s about fifteen minutes before the show begins and most of the band is up tuning their instruments.  I don’t see Harry yet, so he may be warming up backstage possibly.  I’m relieved by the sight a little bit for now, but then I see two older gentlemen walking to sit right behind me and I’m starting to feel awkward.

                “What do you think of this?” The one with brown hair said with a really obnoxious accent.

                “Dames and Dukes? Why I love them!  They’re the best thing on this campus!” The guy with blondish gray hair said with a husky voice.  I steal a glance of them and their facial features look extremely familiar, but I can’t put a finger on who they remind me of.

                “They’re unbelievable!”

                “They’re incredible!”

                “Have you seen the way they play country?” The brown one asked the blond one. The blond one nods his head.

                “Better than Keith Urban!”

                “Have you seen how they rock?”

                “More entertaining than the Rolling Stones!”

                “Boy, we agree on a lot of things!  Can you believe we’re only 6 months away from Spring Sing?”

                “You know I can’t!  I might have to pick up my tap dancing!” The blond one said.

                “Oh you won’t be on the stage, you loaf!  Just directing the big numbers!” The brown haired said.  I stop listening to their conversation as I turn to my left and a cute guy is sitting right next to me.  I feel my cheeks flush as he smiles at me.

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