Calls for Celebration

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Harry’s POV

                We headed back to our dorms after the victorious run at the Drag Show to mainly clean all our makeup off and straighten our hair out.  Fortunately, we gave the prom dresses, those ridiculous shoes, and fake boobs back already as soon as the show was over.  Thank goodness I don’t have to wear that thing again.  Don’t get me wrong, wearing a prom dress and masquerading like a girl was kind of fun, but my feet are relieved to be free of heels for the rest of forever.  Seriously, how do women put up with the dressing up they do?

                After we finished cleaning up, it was pretty quiet so I decided to start texting Jenny.

                To: Jenny :)

                                Tonight was fun!  Hang out tomorrow? xx

                Not even two minutes later, I get a response from Jenny.

                From: Jenny :)

                                Yes!  Me and Callie want to go to the lake to swim!  Care to join? ;)

                “Hey, Niall,” I asked looking towards Niall in his bed on his phone.

                “Yeah, mate.  What’s up?” Niall looked at me expectantly.

                “Do you want to go to the lake with Callie and Jenny?” He smiles and nods in approval.  Then out of nowhere, Zayn and Liam burst from the bathroom.

                “Did I hear lake?” Zayn asked.  I forget how little the walls help with sound.  If anything, I think they make sound reverberate.

                “Yeah, Callie and Jenny were planning of going.  Care to join us?”

                “I’m up for it.  I’ll see if Perrie’s available.  Liam, do you want to check if Louis and Sarah can come too?”

                “Sure.” He replied.  They walk back to their rooms to grab their phones to notify everyone else about tomorrow’s game plan.  I text Jenny about all that has happened in our room and she replies she’s cool with it.

                “Niall, can I ask you something?” I asked nervously.  He shuffles himself to where he faces me.

                “Yeah, mate.  Anything.” Niall said assuredly.

                “Do you think I’m more compatible with Callie or with Jenny?  Like as a couple,” The reason I’m asking just Niall is because I value his opinion more than other lads’ and I know he’ll more honest when he’s by himself.

                “It’s hard to say, mate.  If I were to go with my gut, I’d say Jenny.  I just remember how happy you were after that date.  I mean Jenny had fun with me, but I think she had even more fun with you on that first date.”  I nodded in response.  “Why you asking, are you finally going to pick who you’re dating?”

                “Soon.” I replied, “I just wanted your opinion on the matter before I decided.”  I snuggled into my bed with its thin sheets and turned off my phone.  “Night, Niall.”

                “Night, mate.”  I closed my eyes thinking about how I’m looking forward to the lake tomorrow.

-The Next Day-

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