The Third Party

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Niall's POV

                I’m just playing on my guitar in my room when I hear three loud knocks on the door.  I open the door to see a very sad Jenny.  Tears stain her entire face and my heart breaks at the sight of her like this.  What could’ve possibly have happened to cause her to be like this?  She walks right up to me as soon as she sees me and hugs me like she is hanging on for dear life.

                I feel her knees giving in, so I slowly drop to the ground with her careful not to affect how she’s naturally falling.  Now we’re sitting on the ground and Jenny is on my lap with her head buried in my chest.  I stroke her hair gently as she cries loudly with fresh tears pouring down.  My other hand is on the small of her back to secure her.  Her legs have wrapped themselves around me and the overwhelming sadness I feel from her fills from the room.

                We sit in silence for a long time until I finally have the nerve to ask, “What’s wrong, love?  You look so sad and I hate to see you this way.”

                “It’s Harry,” Jenny croaked. She sniffles and tries to wipe the fresh tears off her face.  “He dumped me today.  Apparently, he’s been seeing someone the entire time we’ve dated and now he’s choosing to be with just her and it makes me sad,”  My heart begin to feel heavy for her as she explained all of this to me.

                “I’m so sorry, Jenny.  I didn’t know Harry was doing all of that.  Who was it?” I may have gone too far since this is all fresh for me, but fortunately she answers.

                “Callie,” She answered venomously.  When she said that, not only was I sad for her, but now I’m incredibly pissed off at Harry.  I’ve always known Harry’s dating patterns to be questionable, but he went too far in this.

                “That’s horrible, I’ll make sure he gets a talking to the next time I see him.” I told her.

                “He told me they had oral sex behind my back and I feel so awful now about that.  I thought what me and Harry had was genuine, but I guess not,” Jenny said bitterly and sadly as tears muddled her words.  How can Harry do this to Jenny?  I thought we all agreed we loved Jenny.  Sure, sometimes it’s hard to get her accept that we love her back, but now all that trust we had built with her is going to be wasted.  

                I trusted Harry to be reasonable with my best friend, Jenny, but now I’m the wrong one.  “I was so mad when he told me,” Jenny continued, “But now all I want to do is cry until my tear ducts are completely empty.  I miss him already even after he told me he did all that stuff behind my back while pretending to be with only me.”

                “You know he lives here right?” I asked her confused.

                “I know,” She strained after crying some more.  “I doubt he’ll come back though.  I’m sure he’ll try to hide in my room somewhere when the RA goes through our room.  I can just imagine all the kissing and making out their doing right now the sexual creatures.” Her voice slowly morphed into a growl as she spoke.  I can tell she’s using everything within her not to fully express the rage she feels and I don’t blame her.  I thought I’ve had it rough when it came to being dumped, but this takes the cake.

                Jenny remained silent as she cried some more.  I’m still stroking her hair and then I see our RA come in.  He was about to say something, but I give him a stern look, so he didn’t say anything.  I guess breakups like this happen on a normal basis because he didn’t say anything about the absence of Harry and a girl being here.  He leaves without saying anything surprisingly, but I’m sure he’ll give me a warning as soon as he sees me without Jenny.

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