Trouble in Paradise

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Niall’s POV


                “That wraps it up for us today!  I hope you have fun the rest of the weekend!” One of the directors said.  “Don’t forget to get fitted for your costumes as well at the drama building!  Please do that sometime between now and the next practice on Monday!”

                And with those words, everyone departed away slowly after a long strenuous practice of a dancing routine to our version of ‘King of New York’ which we say ‘King of England’.  The lyrics are really cool and I admire the efforts our directors have put into the show.  I go to pick up my stuff I left by the wall where everyone dumped their belongings and I pick up my cell phone and I see Cara called.

                Immediately, I dial her number and I call her. When she answers, all I hear is crying and I’m concerned. “Cara?” I said over the phone.  More sobbing happens. “Cara?” I cried again over the phone. I hear some more noise as I think Cara picks up the phone. “What’s wrong, babe?” I asked her tenderly.

                “I don’t want to talk it about on the phone.  Can you please come over to my room?  I don’t feel like going anywhere,” She said weakly pausing occasionally to cry and sniff.  Hearing her so broken over the phone has my heart torn and I have to know what’s wrong because I can’t live with myself if it has something to do with me, but it must be not anything I did.  I don’t think she would be calling me if I did something wrong or if she did, I think there would be anger and I don’t sense that from her voice.

                “Ok, I’m on my way,” I said resolutely, “I’ll be there as soon as I can, ok?”

                “Ok, please hurry,” she said desperately.

                “Absolutely, love,” I reassured.  I hear more crying as she hangs up the phone and I am now jogging to get to her room.  I don’t care if this leaves me winded, but I have to see her.  I run half the distance of campus which is not horrible, but longer than what I normally do.  I do work out quite a bit, but not running.  I usually use the bike or do weights to get exercise.  So by the time, I run up a flight of stairs as well.  I pause for a moment to breathe.

                As soon I’m done, I knock on her door, but not as loud as I normally do.  When Sarah answers the door, I’m terrified of what may have happened.  I see Sarah’s red eyes and the stains down her face and I’m really worried for both of them.  When I go inside, I see Cara is on her bed with her head down and a used tissue in her hand still sobbing as I had left on the phone.

                I instantly go up to her by sitting on the bed next to her and hugging her as tight as I can.  Cara then turns around and buries her face in my chest as I hear fresh tears coming out of her.  I rub her back up and down trying to soothe while Sarah went to her room either to get more tissues or maybe leave us alone, I don’t know which.

                “She’s dead,” Cara said finally after a couple minutes. “I can’t believe she’s really dead,”

                “Who is dead?” I asked her softly. “One of our friends?”

                “No, she’s from back home,” Cara answered listlessly, “She was my best friend in high school.  She,” Cara sniffed loudly, “She was driving around campus and someone drunk ran into her going over 60 mph and she didn’t survive the hit,” Cara’s crying intensified and her hands dug into my shirt like it was the only thing real to her.

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