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Liam's POV

"Are we ready to go?" My mum asks me as I load up Skype. I feel the sweat in my palms and on my brow as I log in on my computer.

"In a bit, mum," I answered quietly. My mum, dad, and my two sisters are all eagerly waiting for the call I would do as soon as I got back home from break. I've a day of rest in my beloved hometown Wolverhampton, but now I'm ready to talk to Sarah. I can see it in my parents' eyes how excited they are to see her for the first time. I wanted to be sure Sarah and I were tight before I introduced her to my mum. She can be very skeptical of my choices sometimes.

I'm logged in and I check my phone to get a confirmation I can start calling her. I punch the video call button and I listen to the bubbly beeping sound until Sarah's face lights up the screen. Even from across the pond, my girlfriend is as beautiful as I remembered her to be. I can read from the picture that Sarah is obviously as nervous as I am about this about this video chat.

"Hi, guys!" Sarah waved at us through the feed and my entire family waved back.

"Hi!" All of us chanted together. I cleared my throat and faced my family before facing Sarah again. "Sarah, this is my family. The lady on my right is my mum, and these girls over here are my older sisters, Ruth and Nicola. And last but not least, my dad."

"Hello, love," My mum told her over the chat. "How are you?"

"I'm doing well, Mrs. Payne. We just had a little snowfall, so everyone's pretty happy about that here!"

"So, where are you from, Sarah?" My dad asked her.

"Nashville, Tennessee, it's in the middle of the state," Sarah answered. My family nod their heads and I think they have a general idea of where that is, unlike Arkansas. When I told them where Van Buren was, they just looked at me strange for what seemed like hours.

"I'm glad I finally get to see you. Liam talks about you all the time," My mum said sweetly. "It sounds like you take good care of him while he's over there,"

"Yes ma'am, I try to," Sarah said and I see a smile coming on her face now. I'm glad to see her relaxing in front of my parents. I can feel the tension easing slightly.

"What's your major?" Ruth asked her.

"I'm in nursing," Sarah said happily. "I love it so far. Liam and I had biology together, and I think next semester we'll have quite a few classes together."

"I'm glad to hear that. So why nursing?" Ruth asked.

"To save lives, I want to help people out in any way I can," Sarah said simply.

"That's great, love. You know that is exact same reason why Liam is studying to be an OB/GYN?" My mom asked her. Sarah shook her head. "He wants to save lives too. He originally wanted to be a fireman, but after going on a field trip to the local hospital, he was convinced he needed to become a doctor. I still remember the smile on his face after he came back from that trip when he found his purpose in life. It's an amazing thing to know your purpose in life when you're young."

I reflect back on that day. I still remember that day so well. I remember the volunteer guiding us and showing all the different wings of the place. We didn't get to see too much well since we were young kids maybe barely ten years old, but I still remember feeling fond of the place by the time I left. "I didn't know that, but it makes sense now. Liam is always there for his friends. I think sometimes he has to act the dad of the group when he's with us," Sarah teased. My family laughed amusedly.

"That doesn't surprise me one bit. Compared to his other friends that go with him, he sometimes acts the most mature," Nicola told her. "You should've seen all five of them at boarding school together. They were quite a hoot. I remember how Liam had a hard time making friends in his first days there until he met Zayn. Once he met Zayn and eventually the other lads, they became close in a matter of weeks. They used to stay as a group at our house from time to time."

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