Camping with the Carltons

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Liam’s POV

                I woke up in the guest bedroom to the smell of bacon.  There’s absolutely nothing better to wake up to in the morning than the sound of sizzling meat.  I groggily get out of the bed, wash up a little bit, and then I head to kitchen where Sarah’s mom is cooking the food while Sarah sits nearby talking to her.   She stops whatever she talks about and turns to see me.  “Good morning, Liam.” Sarah said happily.  Waking up to see my girlfriend was nice.  I could get used to this.  It’s better than having to wake up Zayn and fear losing a limb in the process.

                “Good Morning, love.” I answered back.  “I smell food.”

                “Yeah, mom was just informed she’s not working the day shift today, so she decided since she was already up she would cook us breakfast.” Sarah told me.  I sit next to Sarah.

                “Thank you, Debbie.  It smells delicious.” I told her mother.  She turned around a little enough to get a glimpse of my face.

                “You’re most certainly welcome.  You are a guest, so I plan to treat you like one.  Unlike Lee…” She paused before resuming that thought.  “Have y’all packed for the camping trip tonight?  I hear Dad has a lot of stuff planned.”

                “No, I just woke up.  I will as soon as I’m ready.  What about you, Sarah?” I asked her.

                “No, I will pretty shortly though.” Sarah told me.  I simply nodded.  “Do we need to load tents or anything like that?”

                “No, Dad said he will take of care it as soon as he’s done with work.  He should get in a little after 4 or so.” Mrs. Carlton told us.  She handed us each a pancake and two strips of bacon after she’s done cooking and I must say the dish looks fabulous.  Sarah goes to the pantry to get syrup and then gets butter.  Her mom gave us silverware and as soon as Sarah sat down, I proceeded to eat my amazing breakfast.  This was my first breakfast in awhile that was not a cafeteria breakfast in a long time, so it’s the best thing ever.  Maybe I should try those chicken biscuits in the stu one of these days for breakfast.  Harry is in love with those things.

                “It’s delicious, Debbie.”  I inform her and she smiles politely.

                “Thank you, Liam.  I truly am sorry about Lee’s behavior last night.  It was unnecessary and I know he was just doing it to intimidate you as his way to establish he’s the man.  I gave him a talking to and I hope he’ll actually listen to you before he waves you off as a bad choice for Sarah.”  Her mom apologized.  Her eyes and the tension indicated she was serious about this, so I’m glad.

                “Sarah told me what to expect a little bit, so I will try my best to talk to him.  Even if that means I have to kill some animals to prove myself,” I gulped a lump in the throat at that thought.  I get to see his hunting skills today and I can’t help but think how those skills could just as easily be used on me.  I chuckled bitterly at the thought of it.

                “Relax, Liam.  If he gives you a chance, he’ll love you.  The problem is getting him to give you a chance.  I can’t help it he has an overactive protecting instinct.” Sarah defended.

                “I know it’s not, I’m still a little leery of him.  He did creep me out pretty good last night.”  I’ve never considered myself a man’s man, but when I meet him, he could tell right away I wasn’t and as a result he assumed I wasn’t good for Sarah.  I just hope he can at least look at me with indifference instead of a cold look that suggests I’m some sort of mysterious hit list.  I think I’m letting this guy get to my head too much right now.

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