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Jenny’s POV

                It’s a regular week day and I’m eating in the cafeteria with Niall, Sarah, Cara, Liam, Louis, and Zayn at a big round table.  It’s dinnertime and we all have our usual dinner meals.  Sarah has a salad, all the boys picked out at least one, but usually 2 to 3 pieces of pizza, and I have whatever the meal of the day is which was a mysterious sort of meat loaf with some veggies.  The guys constantly complain how the meal of the day usually looks too suspicious to eat, so that’s why they always go for the pizza or the taco/pasta station depending on the day.

                I for one don’t care.  I don’t think our cafeteria is spectacular, but it is better than a typical high school cafeteria, so we have that much.  I sit in between Niall and Sarah, so I have that much to be thankful for.  We usually talk gibberish at the table, but tonight we were oddly serious.  “Are you okay with hanging with us all the time?” Louis asked me.

                “Yeah,” I answered awkwardly, “Why?  It’s not like I had a problem with any of y’all.”

                “I don’t know, as bad as a breakup as you had with Harry, I just figured you’d want space from anything or anyone who was him,” Louis admitted to me.

                “In some ways, yes, I can’t look at him without vomiting inside, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to stop hanging with you lovely Brits,” I paused, “and my favorite best friend, Niall.  Y’all actually helped me a lot with this, so I thank you even though all of you are best friends with the traitor,” I still bring myself to say his name out loud even it’s been a week now.

                “It’s our pleasure.  Someone has to help lover boy clean up his mess,” Louis teased.  Louis then looked at his drink and noticed it was empty. “Can you get me of more that fizzy drink I like?”

                I snorted. “You mean coke, right?”

                Louis gives me the most skeptical look.  “Coke is a type of a fizzy drink.  You can’t use it to describe all the fizzy drink in the world!” Here we go.  I think I’ve had this conversation with Harry and Niall already at least five times.  Liam and Sarah talk about it too according to Sarah.  Ah, the joys of blending Southern girls with boys from the UK.

                “Well which kind of coke?” I asked him.  He gave me an agitated look, but he dropped it.

                “I’m not sure which kind, you’re sort of eliminating my choices here,” Louis mused.  I just rolled my eyes.  I pick up the cup he had given to me.

                “That’s the beautiful thing about coke.  It can mean whatever coke or it can mean any soft drink you can possibly imagine.  We’re all about simplicity in the South.  Beside most of us only drink Coke, so why bother even coming up with another generic name when coke is good enough?” I teased.  Now Louis was rolling his eyes.  I just love teasing Louis to no end.  It’s extremely amusing.

                “Whatever.  Just pick one, love.” Louis said sweetly.  I smiled back and I went to the drink station.  I mused over all the choices.  Louis usually just drinks coke or sprite, but I think giving him a little surprise.  I smirk as I drop sweet tea into the cup he gave me wondering what’s he gonna do when he sips.  I’m pretty sure none of the boys have tried it yet and boy are they missing out.  They also haven’t tried the lemonade the school makes and they’re missing out on life by not trying that.  I have no idea why I think it’s so good, but it just is.

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