Drive to the Stars

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Liam’s POV 

                I adjust the outfit I was wearing in the mirror of my shared bathroom and I begin pacing around the room nervously.  Zayn and Louis were trying to get to me to relax, but I couldn’t stop thinking about my date with Sarah.  This was our first date where we are by ourselves the entire time and I was tense.  “Come on, Liam.  Calm down.  It’s just a date.” Zayn said as he watched me pace our tiny dorm room.

                “You’re going to wow her; I can guarantee you that, mate.” Louis said confidently trying to give me confidence.  “What did I tell you about driving in America?”  Louis gave me American Driving 101 in one of the parking lots yesterday, so I can drive Sarah to our date.

                “I need to drive on the right side of the road.  The driver sits on the left side of the vehicle.   Watch for people when I’m a four way stop because it’s very different from a roundabout.  Also Americans are terrible drivers compared to people in the UK,” I told him.

                “Exactly!   Ten points to the good student.” Louis raised his hand up and we high fived.  “What are you so nervous about anyway? The girl is practically drooling and wide-eyed when she’s with you.  She looks at you like she is obsessed with you.”

                “I don’t know.  I guess I’ve fallen for her so quickly that I have a hard time she is just as smitten as I am right now.” I run my hands through my hair.

                “Nonsense, Liam.  Anybody who doesn’t love you instantly is an idiot.” Louis cheered.  Louis pulls out a carrot from his backpack and start biting off it.  I furrow my eyebrows at him.  “What? I like my carrots.”

                I roll my eyes and look at the time.  I have only a couple minutes before I need to head out.  “Do I look okay?”

                “You look great, Liam.  Don’t stress over it.  Just have fun.  You got all of your homework done, right?  Or I hope most of it?” Zayn asked.

                “Yeah, I know.  I did.  So you guys think Sarah like me?” I asked them for clarification.  Both of them started laughing.

                “Uh, duh,” Louis said simply.  “Have you seen the way she looks at you?”  I try to think about it.  I guess I’ve been too nervous all the time we’ve been around each other to really notice.  I think she’s absolutely lovely though.  I’m just hoping she feels the same way about me.

                “I mean I probably have.  I’m just too nervous to notice.” I admitted.

                “Watching you fancy this girl has been so entertaining, I must admit.  I’ve never seen one girl make you so vulnerable and nervous in your life.” Louis said cheekily.

                “Is it how she treats you or her looks or what is it?” Zayn asked.

                “I don’t know.  It’s lots of things.  She has a beautiful face, but she’s always so kind.  She’s been amazing to have in biology.  We’re similar majors so it seems like we see each other all the time. I just like everything about her.” I confessed. I look down at my watch one last time. “I gotta go, mates.  I’m meeting Sarah in a couple minutes.”

                I left the room and both the guys waved bye.  It was unusual that Harry and Niall hadn’t joined us, but I guess they were both busy with either club stuff or in Harry’s situation, dating.  I didn’t think much about it and I left the dorm.  It took only a couple minutes before I see Sarah in the distance.  She sees me and waves to me.

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