The Cold Truth

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Jenny’s POV                             

                “I’m breaking up with you,” I can’t help it anymore.  I tried to be strong, but I feel one tear slip away.  Harry’s eyes are already bloodshot and I’m just so confused and sad right now.  Harry seems like a soul at war with itself, and I don’t understand this.  I figured this would happen, but I don’t understand why.

                I feel numb.  I don’t say anything instead we both sniffle in silence for a moment. As soon as I blink my eyes, I feel more tears escaping.  “Jenny,” Harry cried weakly as he’s trying to regain his strength, but I can tell it’s not working now that I’m in tears too.

                “Stop,” I told him.  “You never did the same way I felt did you?” The tone came out harsher than I expected it to.

                “Of course, I did.  That’s why this is so hard,” Harry cooed.  He crawls closer to me now and I can’t find a good reason to pull away, so I just let him come closer.  “I fell for you, Jenny, but then she told me to break up with you.”  What did he just say?  She?  I feel jealousy and rage creeping into my heart like a thick poison ready to stifle life away from me.

                “Who’s she?” I asked coldly with an unusually firm voice for me crying.  He was making eye contact, but he broke it as soon as I said the question.  I’m not sure if I want the answer to this.

                “Callie,” Harry said tenderly.  Callie?  What is he suggesting? “I shouldn’t have lied to you, Jenny.  I feel like the biggest idiot on the planet right now.”  My heart starts beating rapidly and panic pulses throughout my body.

                “What did you two do?” I asked.  I think I know the answer, but to hear it….I don’t think I can handle it.

                “The entire time we have been dating, I was also dating Callie.  You were my official girlfriend while I was seeing Callie behind the scenes.  All those times I told you I was busy when you wanted to hang out with me.  Whether I told you it was Dames and Dukes, homework, or classes, I was lying most of the time.  I was actually dating Callie.”  Jealousy and rage course through my entire body.  I hurriedly get back up on my feet and he does too now scared of what I’ll do.

                “You mean the entire time we were together.  All those dates, kisses, first this, first that, you were dating…her?” I asked him bitterly.  I can’t even say her name I’m so disgusted at both of them right now.  I trusted Callie.  She’s my freaking roommate for crying out loud.  My. Effing.  Roommate.

                “Yes,” Harry said sorrowfully. “Every minute of it, it started when we had the double date at the jamboree in Heber,” My sobs start falling at an uncontrollable pace and I scream at the top of my lungs in bitter anguish.  My knees become weak and I fall to the ground again hugging myself to a curled up position.  This can’t be happening.  This must be a dream.  All of it.  I had Harry to myself.  I thought I did.

                “I liked you both so much,” Harry continued as if he thinks he can justify himself with me, but he can’t right now.  Not when all of these bitter emotions invade my entire body and prevent me from doing anything. “I figured my mates would approve of you more than they would Callie, so that’s why when I hung out with the guys I would be with you.  But then afterwards or before we hung out as a group, I would meet up with Callie and we would date.  It was never serious between us, but then she kissed me and told we could keep it a secret,” I just want him to stop talking.  I feel nauseous just thinking I made out with him not hours after he made out with Callie most likely.  I subconsciously rub my lips like as if I can get the taste of Callie and Harry off my lips.

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