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Jenny’s POV

                To say I’m in a crowded car is a slight understatement.  I borrowed my mom’s car which can seat 9 people easily and I am pinned between Harry and Niall.  We’re in the very back row which also happens to be filled with luggage all bound for England back to the homes of our friends.  Between the mass of luggage and two guys who are all over me, I am quite cramped.   I knew this day would come when I would have to say goodbye to all the friends I’ve made this past semester, but I find myself feeling downright depressed at everyone’s departure.

                Harry, Niall, Liam, Zayn, and Perrie are all headed across the pond and then when I get back home, I’ll have to say goodbye to Sarah who will head back to Nashville.  Cara had to leave early to attend a wedding, so she could not make it with us.  We’ve been driving for awhile as the airport is roughly an hour away from campus.  Part of me envies the couples have considerably more room at the moment.  I wish I could’ve said goodbye to Louis, but he’s only hour away, so I’ll probably drive to see him one day over break. 

                Sarah is driving the car and she is unusually quiet.  I guess she is preparing herself for Liam’s departure.  I can’t see her face from him, but from her body language and also from Liam’s, I can tell there is a tension between them.  My trance of thought is dropped when I feel two giant arms wrap around my shoulders.

                “Now we’re getting cuddly?” I asked them skeptically.  Harry and Niall are both smiling cheesy right at me and I’m not sure what to think.

                “Relax, Jenny, I think we should get cuddly.  It is our last day together until school starts back up again which is not for a few weeks,” Harry pulled me closer to him.  I see Niall is not pleased by the move.

                “She’s my friend too, mate,” Now Niall is pulling me closer to him and before I know it, it becomes a game of tug of war and I’m the rope. 

                “Guys,” I said finally after losing a little patience.  They dropped it finally and moved their arms off of me.  “Thank you,”

                “I think we should turn on the radio, would that be all right, Sarah?” Harry asked loudly.  Sarah turned around and simply nodded.  Sarah turned on the radio and the sound started coming on.  I didn’t pay attention because they were on commercial break. 

                Then the first song came on and I recognized the song immediately and I see can Harry did too because his face lit up in excitement.  Niall gave us a weird look, but in that moment, I am caught up in only Harry.  I watch Harry and he starts singing, so I decide to join in.

                “And we’ll never be royals.  It don’t run in our blood, that kind of luxe just ain’t for us.  We crave a different kind of buzz.  Let me be your ruler, you can call me queen Bee. And baby I’ll rule, I’ll rule, I’ll rule.  Let me live that fantasy.”

                Somehow, I keep my eyes on Harry the entire time I am singing this and he is doing the same for me.  I mean, this should be in a Disney movie how in sync we are with each other.  I keep telling myself to remember what he did to me, to avoid him at all costs, but I can’t help it.  Would I date him right now? No, but I mean we can be friends, right?  I do think, he’s really handsome and attractive, but I have a hard time seeing anything happening between us again.  Especially after how ugly we broke up.

                Once the entire song is over, I didn’t even notice, we were even holding hands.  I withdrew my hands quickly and Harry gave me a slightly disappointed look.  How did I not even notice I was doing that?  I mean do that in all the movies, but what Harry and I does not deserve a movie.  Or if it was, it would be one of those movies that would make girls not want to date for a long time.

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