Double Date

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Jenny’s POV        

                We have an hour before the dinner starts.  Both me and Callie are in the final steps of our costumes.  Callie is wearing black pants, a tight black long sleeve shirt, and some cat ears to be Catwoman.  Meanwhile, I’m wearing a Superman v-neck t-shirt and a red sheet I bought with a red short skirt to be Supergirl.

                “I don’t know about you, but I am so ready to see those guys again.” Callie stated.

                “No joke.  I can’t wait to see what they wear.  I even want to see what Zayn and Liam wear even though we aren’t going a date with them.”

                “Same here.  Do we even know where to meet up with them?”

                “Not really.  All they told was to be cute,” I laughed. She giggled. “I wonder, are we dating them both equally or do we get special treatment with one guy?

                “I don’t know.  I didn’t say anything so I bet they’ve picked amongst themselves.”  Callie said as she carefully applied mascara and eyeliner.  “I hope I get Harry, but at the same time Niall will be very satisfactory.  Either way, I’m getting a way hotter first college date than what I had expected.” 

                “I agree.  I would be perfectly happy with either one.  They both seem nice.”  After that, we proceeded to exit the dorm.  We were silent until we got to the dorm lobby.  And there they were all…wait…five of them?

                I recognize Harry in his Hawkeye costume, Niall as James Bond, Liam dressed as who knows what, and Zayn in just simply a blue shirt and jeans.  More have been added to their company since we last saw them.  A girl was next to Zayn and holding his hand like they were a couple.  Meanwhile, there was a couple I didn’t even recognize.  I’m not going to lie; the new guy was insanely hot.  He had his brown hair styled like Zayn’s and his blue eyes stared at us warmly.  We walk up to them and Harry and Niall both give me and Callie hugs.

                “It’s so good to see you two.  I know you don’t know everyone with us so Jenny, Callie: the two girls are Perrie and Eleanor.  Perrie is Zayn’s girlfriend.  The guy you don’t recognize is Louis.  He’s our junior friend and the one who brought us here.”  Harry motioned for us to shake hands with Louis and the girls.  I shake hands with all of them and they all seem really nice.

                “I wish I could’ve been here to make sure these lads didn’t do anything stupid in my absence.  I hope you have fun at the dinner.  Me, Eleanor, Perrie, and Zayn are all going out to dinner on our own double date.” Louis curtly said.  “It was nice to meet you two.”

                As soon as he said that, the other double date left to go wherever they were going.  This left Harry, Niall, Callie, Liam, and I all to ourselves.  “Well, that was fast.” Callie said rudely.

                “It’s okay, Zayn’s been dying to be with Perrie so we understood them rushing to the date.” Harry noted.  Harry and Niall look at each other and right then, Harry grabs my hand.

                My face is probably beet red and I hold onto his hand.  I look over to see Niall holding Callie’s hand and now she’s blushing really hard too.  “You look fantastic in that costume,” Harry whispered to me in my ear. 

I’m at a loss for words but I finally say, “Thank you, Harry.  You’re looking good as Hawkeye.  Nice bow.”

“I got it courtesy of Goodwill.” He smiles.  Liam leaves ahead of us and waves his goodbye to us.  We exit the dorm and head to the dinner in the main campus grounds at a lovely lawn simply called the Park by the students.  We walked mainly talking to our respected dates and ignoring the other couple.  “Where are you from, Jenny?”

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