Beau Zayn

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Zayn’s POV

                I was told by Laura to wear pink and blue which are the colors of Theta Mu for the mixer while the other girls will be dressed up as what they did this summer.  I don’t have many clothes in either color so I pull out jeans, a blue t-shirt, blue converses, and a pink bowtie.  I guess I’m going to need to buy more pink clothing.  I head to where the mixer is only to conveniently run into Laura.

                “Hey, Zayn!” She said casually.  We did a side hug and we walked together towards the business building where we reserved a large room for the mixer.  “Are you excited to meet the girls?”

                “Yeah, I am.  I’ve been looking forward to this.  I can’t tell how jealous my friends are of this.” I smirked.  She laughed and she had a cute laugh.

                “I imagine.  This is a truly an unusual situation.  I guess that when happens a club beaus one too many people who are graduating at the same time.  But I’m glad to have you.  Seriously, thank you.  I’d been so screwed if it wasn’t for your cooperation.” She smiled.

                “It’s not a problem.  I’m enjoying myself.  I’m glad we’re becoming friends.” I mused.  She smiled back and nodded.  We walked the rest of way in awkward silence.  It wasn’t intentional, but that’s how it happened.  When we entered the room, I just noticed how many girls there were.  I estimated there were at least 80 girls here and just me.  The estrogen overload was already hitting me.  I had sisters, but this is extreme.

                I got weird looks from pretty much everyone here, so I wasn’t sure what I supposed to do.  Laura guided us to where we could stand up in front of everyone.  She stood by a podium and I joined her.  Everyone’s attention was officially glued on us.

                “Hello, fellow sisters and recruits.  I trust everyone is enjoying themselves so far?” She asked.  She got screams and cheers. “What’s that?  I want a louder response?” The room was suddenly drowned out in sound from the girls.  After a few minutes, the sound died down and Laura resumed. “I have someone special to introduce to y’all.  The guy next to me is Beau Zayn.  As y’all know our situation with our beaus is complicated, Zayn has agreed to serve us as our beau.  I hope you take the time to meet him.  I’ve talked to him a little bit and I already like him.  Round of applause for Zayn.”

                The claps were loud and several girls cheered and screamed.  Out of nowhere, some of them were even chanting my name.  I felt on top of the world to be a part of this group.  Suddenly, I felt someone putting a shirt on me.  I turned around, but whoever did it already put the shirt on me.  I stare down and it’s a jersey.  It’s a blue jersey with ‘ΘM’ in pink letters with a white trim.  I notice there is a tree on the right sleeve.  The room burst with applause one more time as I guess this my unofficial beauing ceremony and I’ll have my real one later.

                “I hope you don’t mind.  The president and vice president were really adamant about doing this whole fake ceremony.  If you’re wondering, that jersey is technically my ex’s, but I doubt he’ll need it anytime soon.  I’ll get you your own when you get officially voted in.  And I have faith that you will win these girls and you will get in.” Laura whispered to me.  We got off the stage to resume our conservation and so the party can go back to normal.

                “Not at all, love.  I don’t mind.  Do I need to meet these people you’re talking about?” I asked her.

                “Absolutely, hang on.  Let me find them first.” Laura retreated into the crowd to look for the president and vice president.  As soon as she was gone, some members came up to me.

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