First Responses

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Jenny’s POV

                School hasn’t even started and I just talked to some really hot guys.  Callie seems to agree with me. “Did you see those guys?  Holy crap.”

                “That’s why I asked for a date, girl.  Couldn’t waste a minute with those hotties.” She mused.

                “I mean, even the least attractive of the foursome was hotter than the average dude out there.” We share some giggling together.  We have some time to kill before the president begins the ceremony we’re at.

                “I say.” Callie paused. “Who do you think was the most attractive one?”

                “Oh gosh, Callie.” I blurted, “Harry was something else, but that Niall guy was simply adorable.”

                “Harry, though,” Callie snarled.

                “He totally watched us when we were admiring the view.”

                “I mean, who wouldn’t?  Beautiful green eyes, the most beautiful locks of hair ever,”

                “Don’t even,” I started, “I just want to submerse myself in it.  Doesn’t look like it would be so soft?”

                “Girl, I know.  I’m sure he works out too with that bod he’s got.  What I would give to see that.” We started laughing really loudly now.  We get a few weird looks from people, so we decide to pipe it down.  “He has guilty pleasure written all over him.”

                “Niall seemed really hot too.  Definitely very confident in himself.”

                “I would make out with that.” Callie stated bluntly.

                “If had more experience, I would want to try it.”

                “Have you never had a boyfriend?” Callie asks shocked.

                “Well, it wasn’t a very long relationship.  My one and only one relationship with a guy.”

                “Pity.  Wherever you’ve been, those guys are idiots.  If I did the lesbian thing, I’d totally hook up with you.” I give her a very weird look and she coughs. “Sorry.  I meant I personally think you are super gorgeous.”

                “Thanks but no thanks.” I’m not really sure how to respond to that. “When we left them, I noticed how glorious Niall’s thighs were.”

                “You’re into thighs?” She gives me an inquisitive look. “I’d never suspect that.  You know, I’m starting to like having you as a roommate.”

                “Me too.”  Before we could do more eye candy talk, the president has risen to step on the podium.

Harry’s POV

                After our morning sessions, the lads and I went back to the room after lunch.  We haven’t seen Jenny and Callie since before the orientation started, so we used this opportunity to plan about tonight.  All of us huddled into Niall’s and my room to talk before our afternoon sessions began.  “I’m excited about tonight, Niall.  I’m so ready to see those girls again.”

                “Me too, Harry.  So who is dating with whom?  Both of them seemed to like both of us so I wondering if you had preference as to whom you went with first?”

                I started thinking about that question.  I could tell I’m playing with my hands as soon as he asks that.  Honestly, it has been on my mind since this morning’s encounter.  Apparently, I’ve been doing this awhile because now all of the guys are leaning closer and closer into me.

                “All right, guys.  I’m not sure yet.  I like both of them from what we saw.  I feel like I would have to get to know both of them better before I could pick.  Unless if you have someone on your mind, Niall.”

                Now it’s Niall’s time to think.  I grin as I watch him thinking seeing he’s reaching the conclusion I had.  Out of nowhere, he jumps off from his seat and exclaims, “We could use a coin to determine who goes with whom.  Let chance decide since neither of us want to.”

                I nod in approval and I watch Liam and Zayn do the same.  I pull a quarter from a pocket.  “I will pick for myself using heads to represent Jenny and tails for Callie.  Niall will get whoever is left.”

                “I think we should do 2 out of 3.” Liam said.  He seems unusually interested in this.  I’m hoping he doesn’t plan on fifth wheeling with us.  He’s a good lad, but I really want to get to know these girls better.  Niall smiles from ear to ear.

                “Let’s do that.  This should make the date easier.”  Niall says eagerly.

                “Here we go,” I take my quarter in my hand and I flick it into the air.  The quarter makes a soft thud and lands on the floor.  After the quarter stops shaking, I glance down to see heads.  “Heads is the first toss.”

                Niall tenses at that.  Liam approves while Zayn could really care less.  I notice Zayn has been on his phone the entire time.  He must be texting his girlfriend.  I pick up the quarter and flick it again.  I check to see how the quarter landed and it’s on tails this time.  “Second time is tails.  We’re in winner take all on this.”

                My heartbeat accelerates as I pick up the quarter for the last time to toss.  I do one last flick and I see what the quarter shows.  It’s heads.  I smile and the feelings of seeing Jenny for the first time enter my head again.  “I’m going with Jenny.  That means you’ll have Callie, Niall.”

                “Now that you have decided that.  Do you know what you two are dressing up as?” Liam asks.

                “I do.  I’m using my suit and going out as James Bond.” Niall answered.

                “I’m not sure yet.  Do you want to go to a thrift store and see what we can find?” I ask Liam.  Liam looks at me and smiles.

                “Sounds good.  How are going to find and get to one?”

                “If Louis was here, we could borrow that piece of junk he owns, but since he’s not here, I don’t know.  I guess we’re walking to it wherever it is.  Hopefully it’s not too far away.”  All of the sudden, I look at Zayn and he has a puzzled expression on his face. “What’s wrong, Zayn?”

                “Oh, it’s nothing.  My girlfriend just texted she has a surprise for me.”

                “A surprise?  I wonder what that could be.”  Tonight was going to be fun.  I could already tell.

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