The Glorious Return

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Harry’s POV


                I breathe the air around me as I step out of Jenny’s car onto campus.  It’s good to be back on campus.  Surprisingly, I actually missed being here over the past few days.  It was nice to be gone during the week, but when the weekend, I was really depressed I couldn’t hang out with the lads here.  I haven’t any them since I left due to their busy schedules.

                Jenny, on the other hand, I saw almost every single day since I was staying at her house during the suspension.  We haven’t kissed since she ran into me alone the other day.  I just hoped the boys haven’t heard, but I will definitely know when I go back to my room.  “Is there anything else you need me to do?” Jenny asked me when I pulled my bags out of my car which was a backpack and a duffel bag.

                “I think that’s everything, thank you so much again, Jenny.  Your family was truly helpful in my time of need.  You’ll have to let me treat them to a meal sometime.  They deserve after housing a fugitive to say the least,” I teased.

                “Aw, come on, you’re not that bad of a person,” Jenny cooed.  My parents told me to tell just now that you are welcome any time and they enjoyed your presence,” She told me reading a text.

                “Tell them my thanks,” I just replied back, “Well, I’m going to go do laundry and figure some other things I should probably do.  I’ll see you at Spring Sing,”

                “Yeah, see you then,” Jenny waved bye as she walked towards her dorm.  I’m going to miss seeing her and just doing normal stuff with her like eating and watching TV every day.  I watch her fade away before I walk back to the other side of campus where the boys’ dorms are located.

                I put my backpack on my back and carry my duffel bag with my hand as I walk towards the park.  I got some weird looks from some people and I saw some of my club brothers who waved at me when they saw I returned to campus.  I have to fill out a return form first and then I’ll go back to my room.

                I walked inside the student center and all the way up to the student services room.  Once I was inside, the secretary recognized me immediately, “Hello, Mr. Styles, welcome back,” She greeted me, “If you would please fill out this form, and then you’re free to go enjoy your time at Van Buren, again!”

                She hands me the form I need and it only takes a few moments.  It’s just a confirmation that I stayed off campus and I didn’t turn in any homework while I was gone.  I handed the form back to her and I thanked her personally as I walked back towards the direction of my room.

                When I walked back outside, I walked around some buildings so I wouldn’t have to walk through the Park and get more weird looks from people who thought I looked at least vaguely familiar.  I wonder how the Kojus think of me….

                My thoughts are distracted when I get to the doorway of my hall and I scanned the card to walk inside the dorm building.  When I open the door, I see the same bland dorm hallway with the same ugly tan paint and the smudged tiles.  I missed being her with all the lads here especially my lads.  I walked to my door and I insert my key into door.

                The door opens and I see all of the lads: Zayn, Louis, Liam, and of course, my roommate Niall.  What I thought was going to be a very happy greeting turned out to look more like an interrogation session.  “Sit,” Louis commanded.  Louis motioned to my desk chair while the rest of them were sitting on the beds.

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