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Niall’s POV

                I’m tuning my guitar when I see someone walk in I haven’t seen here in almost a week.  My jaw drops as I see Harry come in and actually sit down.  He’s not switching books or taking clothes like I know he has done.  He is just sitting there before me on his bed with a look of anguish on his face.  I never thought I would see this day.  Why does Harry seem worn down?

                I can tell he’s had barely any sleep because of the newly formed bags under his eyes and the fact he just looks almost sickly from my perspective.  I’m shocked that he hasn’t left yet so right now there is a silence just between us.  After what seemed like hours of silence, I finally cleared my throat and summoned up some courage to ask, “You ok, Harry?”

                Immediately, I feel his eyes on me, his tired sad eyes.  “No, I’m not,” He said blankly.  “I’m tired and ashamed of everything I’ve done,”

                “Is it ok if I ask what happened?” I asked him reluctantly.  I’m not sure if I want the answer, but if this is the signal I might get my best mate, I’m all for it.  I’ve missed Harry more than I ever imagined missing him.  The other lads are great, but I’ll never have the same type of relationship with them as I do with Harry.

                “I will, can you just promise me you won’t tell the RA?” Harry asked back.

                “Yeah, absolutely.  I’ve been lying for you already saying you had an emergency in England,” I joked bitterly.

                “Thanks, mate,” Harry said.  Harry’s body gestures then became very tense and nervous as he summons up the courage to say, “I did it yesterday…with Callie…and now I feel guilty and I want to break up with her but I don’t know how,”

                I feel my face contorting as I try to figure out what he did, so I give him a look for him explain more.  Harry simply responded with “are you kidding me?” look.  I, in turn, cross my arms with the guitar still in my lap and give him a skeptical look.  I think I know what he means, but I just want to hear from his lips.

                “Ok, fine, I think you want me to say it,” Harry mumbled, “We had sex,”

                My eyes widen and I exclaim, “Are you serious?  You know you can get kicked out for a year if someone knows, right?”  Ok, that may have come out as harsh, but I hope he knows the truth of the matter.

                “I know, I know, but I couldn’t resist it any more with it being just us in her room,” Harry whined.  “Not to mention, she deliberately unclothed herself in front of my eyes and I gave in as soon as she came up to me and started taking off my jeans,”

                “I’d rather not know the details,” I said bluntly.  Just thinking about another guy having sex gives me bad mental imagines, “Did either of one you have protection?”

                “I was informed she takes birth control,” Harry said matter-of-factly, “But I still took my cautions with my devices even if she didn’t want me to.”

                “So is that why you’re here and not leaving to go to her?” I asked.

                “Yes.  I don’t want to be with her anymore.  Breaking up with Jenny was the dumbest thing I ever did in my life,”

“No, Sherlock,” I told him sarcastically, “Because Callie was totally the girl for you,”

Harry started laughing and it was good to see him improving. “I’m glad we agree.  Am I allowed to be your roommate?  I don’t want to room with Callie anymore.”  A big smile comes on my face.  He’s coming back!  He’s finally coming to his senses.  

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