Premiere Time

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Louis’ POV


                I scanned the entrance to the theater for Eleanor and Perrie who promised they’ll be both be here to watch the first show of Spring Sing.  Earlier today, the lads performed to a bunch of elementary school kids which they said they had a blast doing.  Harry wound up staying at the theater for over 30 minutes because all the young kids had to meet Braveheart.

                Jenny showed me some of the pictures of them taking pictures as Braveheart and the lost princess and all the kids really enjoyed getting their pictures taken.  Zayn and Niall both helped ushering kids back to their buses and waving to them.  Even Liam stayed around to talk to some of the young lads there.  Since I’m not in Spring Sing, I didn’t see all of what they did, but I saw glimpses as I passed by the auditorium on the way back to my dorm after some morning classes.

                 My train of thought breaks immediately though when I see my beautiful girlfriend and her lovely friend come inside the entrance.  I walk over to them and I give Eleanor a big hug and a kiss on the cheek.  “Eleanor, it’s so good to see you.  We really should see each other more,” I cooed to her drawing her close to me.

                “I know, but we will in a few weeks, right?  School will be out,” She pointed out excitedly.

                “We will,” I promised, “And you better scold me if I don’t,” I commanded seriously.

                “Will do,” Eleanor teased flashing her flawless smile.  I become elated and my mood is already a million times better than I walked in.  I hand both of them their tickets.

                “Courtesy of the lads, all of us have free tickets,” I told them. “They had no idea who else to give it to since all of their girlfriends except Zayn were performing,”

                “Really?” Perrie asked surprised.

                “Yeah, Jenny and Sarah are both in the same show while Cara, Niall’s girlfriend, is in the same show as Zayn,” I explained further to them.  Both of them had impressed looks on their faces.  We hand our tickets to the ticket takers and we take our seats in the back of the auditorium on the main floor.

                Eleanor elected to sit in the middle with Perrie on her left and me on her right.  The crowd I noticed was going to be relatively small tonight since there were not many people here and the show was starting in about ten minutes.  There was a crowd around us however almost claiming some relative or son or daughter or whatever is in this show or a part of the ensemble. 

                The most interesting people though were the probably the two older men in front of us.  Both of them had notebooks in their hands and I noticed they had a form.  They must be judges.  “It’s good to be back in Arkansas, eh?” I heard the blond older guy tell the balding brown haired guy.

                “Good Ole Arkansas?  Geez, I’d rather be flaunting with the celebrities back in LA!” The other guy fussed.  I rolled my eyes at them.  “I clearly have a physique that can woo the women to me,”

                “Big deal!” The blonde retorted, “Last time you tried to woo someone, Meryl dismissed you as a ‘petty producer’,”

                “Petty producer?  I fund Oscar winners, Harvey!  Award winners!  Didn’t you see ‘Gravity’ for Pete’s sake?” The brown guy asked Harvey.

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