It's a Jamboree

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Jenny’s POV

                “We probably should start getting ready for the dance.” I told Callie.  We’re still both laying on our beds after a long day of classes.

                “We told the boys we’re leaving at 6:30 right?”  Callie stared at phone looking at her lock screen.

                “Yeah, so that means we have less than an hour.”  Callie muttered some curse words and got up to change.  “How fancy is this place we’re going to?”

                “Don’t tell the guys this, but I’m taking us to a country jamboree place.  So you don’t have to dress that nice but I would suggest cute Western style maybe?”  Callie was smiling wide.

                “We’re dancing to country songs?  I’m not sure how the boys are going to react to that but this should be fun.  Is it one of those places where lots of old folks go?”  Callie was still fumbling her closet for her outfit.  I get up and started looking for a cute outfit too.

                “Yes, it is.  I’m sure the regulars will quite happy to see 4 hot British teens and one hot Irish guy.” I snickered.  Callie is laughing obnoxiously just thinking what’s going to happen.

                “I’m sure the old nannies will be all over them.  I’m going to be balling if they also try to touch their butts and pinch their cheeks.”

                Yes, it’s going to be a culture shock for the boys, but I hope it’s a good shock though.”  I say quietly.  We calm down and pick out our outfits.  I think we made good choices:  Callie is wearing a white loose shirt with jeans and boots.  I’m wearing a light pink button up shirt with jeans and boots as well.  I hope guys like tonight.  I might be taking a risk to taking them to a very country thing to do, but I think they’ll like it.

                After I do some touch up on my makeup, I see Callie is doing some last minute applying of make up on her eyes.  Once she’s done, we grab our keys and head to the dorm lobby to where we have our big meet up as a group.

                When we get there, we are the first ones around this time which I wanted this time.  We head towards some couches and sit down on a loveseat.  “We still got awhile till the boys show up.  Are you still nervous about being Niall’s friendly date tonight?” Callie asked.

                “A little.  I think I’m more excited now though,” Hearing his name from Callie sent butterflies flying in my stomach.  It’s been a week since I last seen the guys so I’m not sure what to say.  What I had with Harry was fantastic, but I need to put that aside so I can give Niall a chance because he wanted to give me one.  I know this is a double date that is meant to be more friendly than serious dating, but I still can’t help and think about really dating one of them.  It sounds surreal, but I would love to have the chance to do it.

                I didn’t realize how long I had blanked out from the world until Callie started snapping her fingers. “Hello, earth to Jenny.  We have a problem with reaching you.  You seem to be stuck in Harry, Niall land.”  Callie said robotically.  I fully snap out of my trance and look at her.

                “Oh sorry, I was thinking.  Are you excited about being with Harry?” I asked.

                “Of course, I am.  Why wouldn’t I be?  He only has one of the cutest faces ever.”  Callie opens up her phone to use it as a mirror.  Even though, she isn’t acting like it, I bet she’s just as nervous as I am.  Then, I see them.  I instantly make a ‘pst’ sound out of the edge of my mouth to Callie and she instantly locks her phone and looks up. “Harry!” She cries.  She gets up and walks over to Harry to give him a hug.  I follow her slowly and Niall walks up to me.

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