Bond, James Bond

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Liam’s POV

                After having classes all day today, I immediately head off to practice.  I was not aware that Spring Sing would erase any time for homework unless if it’s past 1 in the morning.  Maybe I should’ve grabbed some coffee on the way, but it’s too late because I’m already at our practice.  Week two of this twelve week preparation has begun and we are going over our second number all of this week.

                Since our theme is James Bond, all of the songs we are singing and dancing to are all themes of James Bond movies so I think we’ll have a good show.  Last week, we perfected our opening number which is the original theme that plays in almost every James Bond movie, so that was really fun actually.  I’ll even get to slide a rope for the number which is going to be dangerous, but exciting.

                I’m not sure which theme we are doing today.  Before I can brood anymore, the directors pile in.  Unlike Harry’s show that has a solo director, our show is like most shows where we have 8 directors who all do a little of everything, but still have specialty areas.  “Hi, everyone!  Are we ready to get going?” One of the female directors asked.

                Everyone stood up and we began to gather by the directors.  We have the largest show out of all the shows I think because we have over 120 people maybe more total.  It’s not only my club, but it’s also our sister club Kappa Nu as well.  “Everyone get in formation for the opener except for the robe descending guys which should be only 3 of y’all.  We are going to get a quick warm-up by rehearsing our first number we worked on all last week,”

                I back away from the performing area with the other two lads who are as fortunate as I am.  Everyone else backs up to where the stage is clear.  One of the directors not participating in the number sits down and starts playing the instrumental background of our entire show.  At the first beat of the music, everyone tenses as they wait for the moment to enter.

                Once the guitar starts playing, lines of people enter in from both sides matching up with notes strung on the guitar.  I liked how dramatic the entrance and then twenty seconds, I fall down from a robe at the ceiling.  I’ve been told they will add us in once it’s gets closer and we have more practices in the actual auditorium we’re performing in.

                Once everyone aligns at the end with the last beat, the music is paused.  “And relax,” One of the directors said as he relaxed his stance.  Everyone else dropped their pose as he said but remained where they are.  “How was that, Stern?” The girl director asked the director next to me.

                “Could use improvement, but we should new material first I think,” Stern answered her.  She simply nodded.

                “My rope guys can come in where they will be now,” The girl director told us.  I got into my position where I will be at the end of the first number.  “Excellent, after we finish with that last beat, we will proceed to our next song which is Goldfinger from the Goldfinger movie.  Before we begin choreography as a group, I will demonstrate the main moves up front,”

                All the directors then proceed to leave their places and assemble into a line up at the front.  The director playing music then began where the next number started.  As the singer’s voice in the song lingers at the end, so the dance moves replicated that with motion.  Unlike the precise movements and turns of the opener, this song is dreamier and waltz-like in the movements.

                After the clip stops, the directors freeze as the director not dancing turns off the song.  The directors break from their freeze and they show us the choreography again this time more slowly and explaining the movements.  “All right, now we are divide for a few moments between the different sections since we have people moving in several directions for this number.  Whichever director you were paired up with last time, you will meet with them again to know your exact movements.

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