Dance Jitters

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Harry’s POV 

                All the lads are in our room and it’s a typical Sunday night.  Class starts tomorrow, so we’re all chilling and talking about recent activity.  “So how was that double date with those cute freshman girls?” Louis asks curiously to me and Niall.

                “It was amazing.  Jenny is probably one of the shyest girls I’ve dated, but I like it.  I just had fun looking ridiculous together and learning about each other.  I’ve already agreed to audition for Dames and Dukes for her because she insists I should do it.” I answer.  Louis was nodding and paying good attention during the whole spiel and then he asks,

                “Ok.  It sounds like you had fun.  I know you, Harry, and I do agree you should try Dames and Dukes.  Granted you’re only a freshman and the try-outs are next week, but I think you stand a chance.  Are you asking her out again or what are you doing now?”

                “Well, Niall and I are taking the same girls out this weekend except we are switching partners.  Niall suggested it and the girls agreed to it.”

                “You did what?” Louis asked incredulously.

                “Louis, we have it under control.  From what I can tell, both girls like both of us and we like both of them.  We wanted to have quality time with both of them.” Niall defended.

                “Are you sure about this?  What if both of you decide to go after the same girl?” Louis questioned harshly.

                “Woah, woah, I’m not even sure if I want to pursue a serious relationship yet,” Niall confessed. “It’s all good fun right now.”  Louis relaxed a little bit, but the tension was still there.  Niall was slowly becoming more nervous.

                “I know, it’s you’re first time in uni, but do not get overwhelmed by the choices of girls you have to date here.  You could get yourself in big trouble.  Trust me, I tried some pretty stupid dating ideas my first year here.  I broke the record of having 4 dates with 4 different girls in my first semester.” My mouth along with the others just drops.  I’m not sure if I’m jealous or if that’s just crazy.  “I definitely would not suggest that especially when I kissed the girl in 3 out of 4 dates.  You get messed up emotionally big time.”

                “Relax, Louis.  It’s only our first date.” I tried, but he still is tensed up.

                “You forget where you are, mate.  This place is infamous of being a marriage factory.  They say when you go hop on one of those blasted swings with a girl, you’ll marry her by the third swing.  Hence the phrase: 3 swings and a ring.”  Louis is starting to affect my nerves now.  I’d rather not think about the reputation guys have here. 

                “Louis, you’re starting to freak me out.  That’s ridiculous anyway.  There’s no way I’d marry a girl right now.”

                “Be careful.  That’s all I ask of both of you.” Louis says cautiously.  There’s an awkward pause until Niall coughs.

                “Jenny and Callie were great girls.  I’m not too concerned about anything happening.  I also find them really attractive too.  I thought Callie would be not my type, but I actually enjoyed her company very much.  I’m just happy about dancing with Jenny at the dance place we’re going.”

                “Wait, you’re going dancing with them?” Louis asked.  Zayn also seemed confused.  I guess we forgot to mention it to them.

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