The Pinnacle

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Liam’s POV 

                “So why did we bring Jenny to our hiking date?” I asked Sarah curiously.  Right now, we’re in the car on our way to Pinnacle Mountain and Jenny decided to come in her own car.  She said and I quote, ‘Thanks for letting me come with y’all, but I want you to have your private moments too.’   I know this was Sarah’s idea, but I really looking forward to this being couple-y couple time. Sarah furrowed her eyebrows when I turned to look at her for a split second on the highway.

                “She needs a day away from campus.  She’s been stuck on campus for over two weeks because she didn’t want to go anywhere.  I’m trying to help her get a life outside of making revenge on Harry,” Sarah told me.

                “That’s unfortunate,” I told her.

                “Why’s that?  She’s been this way since she stopped crying non-stop,” Sarah said confusedly.

                “Harry moved back into our suite yesterday,” I informed her.  Sarah’s jaw literally dropped and she made a loud gasp.

                “He did?  Isn’t he in love with Callie?” Sarah said with a perplexed look on her face.

                “Not anymore.  He said dating Callie was a mistake.  Apparently having sex with her caused him to have a change of heart,” I explained.

                “So that was the weird moaning sounds I heard the other day,” Sarah mumbled. “I thought heard something from that room, but I was too tired to check because I heard the noise at 2 am I think.  I don’t know, I remember it woke me up from my sleep, but Jenny was still fast asleep,”

                “Anyway, don’t tell your RA.  All of the lads and I have decided to not tell ours.  We’d really liked it if Harry didn’t get caught,” I advised.

                “Ok, I won’t.  We’re not going to tell Jenny, are we?” Sarah said worried.

                “As angry as you make her sound, it’d probably be better if we let Harry do that in the distant future.  We didn’t do it, so we should let Harry do it.  I think if we told her, all hell would break loose,” I said.

                “Yeah, you have a point,” Sarah mused, “I just hope Callie plans on keeping a quiet mouth too.”

                “I’d think she would,” I told her, “Since she initiated it, she’d get more trouble than he would,”

                “What do you mean by initiate?” Sarah asked with a slightly disgusted tone.

                “Harry basically told us Callie stripped in front of him and she unclothed him which cause him to lose all the self-control he had,” I said.  Harry told us how it all went down, but I’d rather not tell Sarah.

                “Does this mean Harry will break up with Callie?” Sarah asked excitedly.

                “Yes,” I said happily, “but he’s going to wait a few weeks.  He didn’t want to do the move out and break up at the same time.  He’s learning he doesn’t deal with swift breakups well.  He’d rather give it a few days and hope to cut ties well instead of bitterly like he did with Jenny.” 

                “That’s good I guess,” She said, “is Harry going to be hanging out with us now?”

                “We told him he could when Jenny was not around,” I replied.

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