Harry Goes to Little Rock

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Jenny’s POV

                I’m waiting in my dorm lobby for Harry who is supposed to take me on a ‘surprise’.  I’m assuming my car will be used whatever we do, but as long as pays for things we do on this date, I don’t care.  I only put on just enough makeover to cover blemishes on my face and highlight my eyes.  I nervously pat down my skirt while I wait for Harry to show up.  He had texted a few minutes ago he was on his way.

                I start to get nervous, but as always, Harry shows up.  He has a big grin on his face when he sees me and he hugs me and places a short peck on my lips.  I blush at his contact, but I hug him back and let him kiss me.  “Hey, babe.  You ready for this date?  We’re going to Little Rock!”  Harry said excitedly.

                “That sounds like fun.  I’m excited!  I can’t wait to see what you have in store.”  I winked at him and he chuckled at my playfulness.  We held hands quickly and we walked outside.

                “You know we’re using your car, right?” He asked me with some worry.

                “Of course, Harry.  I figured Louis was long gone by now.” I teased.

                “He really is.” Harry laughed. “Zayn and Perrie are engaged by the way.  I don’t know if you had heard or not.  I know they haven’t posted it on Facebook or Twitter yet because Zayn proposed late last night.”

                “No way!  That’s so awesome.  Tell I give him my congratulations.” I said happily.  That’s so exciting.  “Did he tell you anything else?”

                “Not really except they plan on two showers: one in the UK over Christmas Break and one here on campus or close by to campus at a church in March.  He said they’re planning on a wedding right after school gets out in the spring.”  Harry informed me.

                “I’m so happy for them.  I can’t wait to see their wedding.  Are you going to be the best man?” I asked him.  Harry laughed at my suggestion.

                “No, I think he wants Liam to be the best man.  I will be in the grooms’ men for sure.” Harry said seriously.  At that moment, we had made it to my car.  I unlocked it and I start towards the driver’s seat. Harry then put his hand on the door handle.  “I want to be the one to drive today.”  He said simply.

                “Are you sure?” I asked uncomfortably.

                “I’m positive, Jenny.  You don’t have to worry about me damaging your car.  I’ve practiced with Louis driving around town about the whole right side of the road thing.”  He sneered. 

                 “Oh, all right.  Let’s go.” I said.  I walk to the passenger side and Harry opens the door for me.  I smile and thank him as I get in my seat.  It’s so weird riding in the passenger side of my seat.  Harry gets in the driver seat and I hand him the keys.  I can tell he noticed my shaking hands.  “You know if you do something to this car, I will hunt you down until you pay up for whatever repairs I have to pay for.” I said with my most serious face.

                “All right, I get it Jenny.  This car’s your baby.  I won’t do anything, I promise.”  He said tenderly.

                “That’s a good boy.  Let’s do this.  Little Rock bound!” I said cheerfully.  Harry smirked from the corner of his lips and he turned on the car.  He drove us away and I was already getting excited.  “Think today is going to be just me and you.  I’m so happy we did this.  This will be the longest time we’ve ever had together without  any distraction.”

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