Bagpipes or Bust

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Jenny’s POV


                I’m nervous about today’s practice because this is our first practice for our solo section.  Harry and I have already had special meetings on our dance moves throughout the show, but this is the first time to be working on our number.  With the exception of the large part serenading pretty background chords while we sing, Harry and I will be the only people getting attention for a whole number.

                The whole thought of doing a solo number with Harry in front of ten thousand people makes all my nervous habits come out of me.  I’m not even paying attention when I noticed I was biting my nails or brushing my hair frantically on my way to practice.  In order to stay on schedule, Zoe is meeting with us privately outside of a general practice day which sucks because on a day normally had off I have practice, but I totally understand where Zoe is coming from.

                  “Hello, over there!” I hear a charming British voice call out to me.  I turn around and I see Harry smiling his goofy smile and looking happy to see me.  I think his crush on me must actually be rubbing off on me because now I feel really happy when I’m around him.  I don’t think I’m at the romantic level yet, because I want to be able to trust Harry when I’m there and right now, I honestly don’t.

                Sure what happened to us last semester in some ways seems so long ago and I know for a fact that Harry has changed dramatically since then because we hang literally all the time now instead of how it was before where hanged out some of the time, but I can’t erase the major wrong he did to me overnight.

                I smile back at him and wave as he walks faster to catch up to me on the way to the auditorium where we’ll be performing at.  When he gets close to me, he grabs my shoulder with his arm since both of us still have backpacks on.  “How are you, love?” Harry asked sweetly, “I know where you’re going,”

                “That’s not stalker-ish at all,” I teased him.  He laughed lightly. “Good, Cara and Niall left a few moments ago.  On their way to One Hundred, Missouri,”

                “Is that seriously the name of the town?” Harry asked seriously.

                “Yeah, we come with weird town names in Arkansas, I mean there’s a Fifty-six, Arkansas,” I commented, “I’m pretty that’s exactly how many people live there because it’s really small,”

                “So you think there are only a hundred people in One Hundred, Missouri?” Harry teased.

                “Who’s knows, I’ve never been.  Niall is the first one to see her hometown,”

                “Ah, he’s special.  He deserves to be special every now and then.  He always there for others and hitching with people on their dates,” Harry commented.

                “That he is, it turns out he has a big appetite for chocolate, I did not know existed, he actually ate as much as we did which is impressive since it was chocolate which I normally consume way too much of,” I admitted.

                “Niall can eat literally anything and eat a bunch of it.  We need to festival where he can compete in a food eating contest.  He’d actually do really well even without practice,” Harry said.

                “I’ll look into it,” I told him and his huge adorable grin came out again.  Harry can seriously be the cutest guy ever.  It confuses me to no end when I see him as cute in some ways and insanely hot in others. 

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