Peace in the Storm

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Liam’s POV

                When the campus population literally doubled overnight from all the visitors coming to see Homecoming at Van Buren, Sarah and I had decided to get away for awhile.  I know Sarah could use a break from all the turmoil caused by Harry’s revelations to Jenny.  When I meet up with Sarah at her dorm lobby, I can see the worn look on her face.  She still smiles her gorgeous smile when she sees me, but I can see the toll all of this had on her.

                I smile to the best of my ability, but seeing her so tired and exhausted worries me.  “You okay, babe?” I say as soon as I see her.  She shrugs and gives me a big hug.  I hug her tightly and rub her back. We let go of the hug. “Seriously, babe.  Are you all right?”

                “I’m just tired I guess,” Sarah said weakly.  I look at her with deep concern.  “It’s difficult being the liaison between two people who went from loving each other to hating each other’s guts in a second.  Callie is reveling in her triumph while Jenny has collapsed emotionally.  I’ve talked to Callie to get her side of it, but I’ve decided I don’t like her either.  It’s just…hard,”

                “I know, and we’re getting away from her.  I think I have a good place to go to get away from her for at least a couple of hours,” I told her quietly.  She smiled at the thought of going away and grabs my hand barely able to fully grasp mine.

                “What are we waiting for? Let’s go,” Sarah winked at me and my heart does a flip.  How did I get so lucky?  I have a girlfriend whose loyal and loving, but she also has this playful side I just love about her. I hold her hand back and we giddily walk to her car.  She hands me the keys and I open the door for her and let her in on the passenger side.

                I hop in on the driver’s side and I turn on the ignition. “I think you’re going to love my idea, love,” I told her sweetly.  “I heard about it from a guy who said he took his girlfriend there and he said they had a blast,”

                “Do you mind telling me?” She said curiously looking at me as I drive the car to our destination.  I turn for a split second and flash a grin at her direction.

                “Not yet, I want to keep you in suspense,” I teased.  Sarah pouted and I just start laughing. “Good try, love.  But you’re not getting out of me.”

                “Oh all right, I guess I’ll just wait then like a good person,” Sarah said innocently.  I can tell by her body language she still is waiting for me to spill the beans.  I try to focus on the destination and to not be wooed by the adorableness this girl has which can possess me if I’m not careful.  Most of the time I don’t care, but today, I need to be strong.

                “So have things been going outside of our friends?” I asked her.

                “Well outside of my suitemates, things are going good.  My club will next week with my pledge class being in there, so that will be exciting.  Beyond that classes are going good.  I have been stressed to the max since I have a second roommate now basically, but I’m managing.  If I was Jenny, I know Jenny would’ve done the same thing for me, so I’m just waiting for the day they can see each other and Jenny won’t have a temper tantrum and throw herself at Callie,” Sarah told me.  I chuckled at that last statement.  From how I heard Jenny went at Harry, I could see her plotting Callie’s murder and unleashing herself physically at Callie.

                “I could see that.  What about your other roommate?  Does she approve?” I asked her.

                “Well, she’s Chinese, so normally she’s with her Chinese friends most of the time anyway.  She’s really only there from curfew to when she leaves for class.  When I told her about everything, she was pretty understanding about the situation.  She even offered to move herself to some of her friends’ rooms, but I told her she didn’t have to,” Sarah said.  I didn’t realize her roommate was Chinese.  Come to think of it, we never really talked about her roommate, so I guess that’s why.

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