The Aftermath

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Jenny’s POV

                It’s Monday and all the clubs have already inducted all their members.  Sarah, Liam, Callie, Niall, Harry, and I are now all official members as if of yesterday and it feels great to be done with Club Week.  All of us are relieved, but school goes on despite all of us being so tired there should be a special word for it.  After a week with very little sleep, I am already done with school this week and I’ve only gone through a day of class.

                I’m in my dorm room talking to Sarah since Callie and Sarah’s roommate are absent.  Honestly since Club Week, I haven’t talked to Callie at all.  It makes me wonder if we can even be friends since she decided to join a cheerleader cult while I’m with the people I like to hang out with who are called nerds, but I adore them to pieces.  “You ok, Jenny?” Sarah asked me.

                “Yeah, just tired.  The problem is tired is such an understatement for how I actually feel,” I tell her.  My eyes are threatening to shut at any moment.  My brain is so fuzzy I’m having a difficult time concentrating on Sarah.

                “You could say that again,” Sarah muttered.  Then her phone rings and she giggles.

                “What?  Is it Liam?” I asked her.  She nods her head and starts laughing harder.

                “Yes, it is,” Sarah laughed loudly again before she resumed.  “He’s telling me about his story with Mystery Man 2013.  It’s so funny.  Apparently, he streaked and splashed himself in the pond over there by the old auditorium.”

                I start laughing.  That seems so unlike him.  At the same time, I can see him doing that if he was challenged.  I can’t blame him.  I’m sure after meeting a man like Mr. Carlton he felt the need to prove his masculinity was better than his.  I can imagine there’s nothing in a man’s eyes more humiliating than being less masculine than your girlfriend’s own father.

                “Apparently, a guard ran after him for a little while and Trey was with him the entire time.  He said even though a guard saw him since he didn’t get suspended like everyone else who did Mystery Man, he won the prize which is name on a plaque hanging where the rest of the HMS awards are.” Sarah started cracking up at that.

                “What about Trey?  Wasn’t he with him?” I asked her.

                “Yeah, they got on the same metal plate on the big plaque.  I just think it’s so funny he actually did it.  We talked about a little bit before he did it, but he was trying to tell himself he wasn’t going to do it.”  Sarah laughed.  “Liam can be so silly some days.  I like that about him.  I couldn’t be with a guy whose super mature all the time.  I’m glad Liam has that side, but I’m also glad he knows how to goof off.”

                “Well, I’m glad you approved of his naked wanderings,” I winked at her and she blushed.  “Do you wish you could’ve seen it?”  Sarah turned a shade of cherry red.

                “Uh, well, um, I don’t know what to say.” I gave her a pouty look. “Okay, yes? I don’t know, I wouldn’t feel comfortable streaking with him.  He’s just hotter than I’ll ever be.”

                “Sarah!” I retorted.  “You’re gorgeous and Liam knows it.  “If the challenge was streaking with your girlfriend, I’m sure Liam would’ve loved to have done it with you.  You know it.”  Is that sweat I see on her?  Her heart must be racing at these comments.

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