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Callie’s POV

                It’s the third day of Club Week and I can see on all of the pledges’ faces even mine that we are very tired.  What can I say?  This has been the roughest week known to man and I’m barely halfway done.  Classes have ended and I’m in an auditorium with all the Ko Ju Gii pledges staring at this giant white pole.

                All of us are wondering what the crap’s going to happen as we stare at it with disbelief.  I’m assuming since the school we go to is against alcohol and lots of stuff, this has absolutely nothing to do with learning how to pole dance, but I’ve wanted learn how to do it though.  Not to make money off of it, but so I know how to look sexy while sliding down stuff and arouse men in the process.

                Anyway, I’m not sure what else a giant pole is useful for, but then I hear clapping from the officers who are here to conduct our first session with just our club.  “Good afternoon, Cutie Bugs!” The president, Pamela, said with her high-pitched voice.  She wears a purple bow on her head with the purple wings while sporting red and black in her outfit to represent all four colors of the club.  

                She’s drop dead gorgeous like all the girls in this club.  I feel like one of the ugliest ones as most of the girls have an awesome tan and a perfected hair style that is either super straight or luscious and curly.  When I looked at Pamela, I thought she was from some fancy place like California since she had such a ridiculously good tan, but she’s from Alabama out of all places.  Shows what I know.

                “I see y’all are staring at what is our annual tradition here in Ko Ju Gii.  Here in a moment, my officers will passing out paper streamers all in club colors and all of you will wrap your entire streamer roll around this very pole.” She points to the pole.  I don’t get the point of us.  “Today we are emphasizing unity in all that we do in our teamwork activities.  The pole tradition has been around since the charter year back in the twenties, so we take this tradition very seriously.” Honestly, this girl looks like she came from the high school from “Mean Girls” and she was a plastic.

                Now, the equally-as-gorgeous Tina who I’m pretty sure has done modeling starts talking too. “Your streamer represents how you will contribute to the Ko Ju Gii community and we want all of you to help bring us all together in the sacred bond of sisterhood.”  Why did I join this club again?

                The streamers are being handed out since they have been properly been taped onto the top of the pole and I get one that is a red color.  We’re all lined up with the help of the officers into a perfect circle around the pole.  We’re all still wondering if we’ll be told when to move.  “Cutie Bugs!  On the count of three, you will wrap your streamer around this pole.  I want y’all to move in sync with each other and for none of the streamers to break midway through the process of laying the entire streamer on the pole.”  Pamela explained.

                Well, that should be fun.  Since I have an odd 20 yards probably on this roll.  I saw the hesitancy in the other pledges’ faces wondering the rolls are not going to break. “And while you walk around the poles with your sisters, you will recite the motto as long as you are moving.  Unity is our goal today and we want unity under Ko Ju Gii.  Cutie Bugs on 1…2…3!” Tina called out.

                At three, all of us instinctively move to a beat.  We watch each other to have our feet moving as one unit moving on the same feet at the same time as we carefully wrap our streamers to not break it.  “Ko Ju Gii:  We are the women of the world who stand above all others.” We said over and over again as we walked around the pole who knows how many times.  Surprisingly, the streamers are holding up as we make our rotations.  This takes more concentration than you would think since we’re all striving to make sure every little movement, every little breath is connected as one unit.  I don’t even look to see the amused looks of officers who are watching what they probably did a couple years back.

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