8.[I never wanted anyone like this♡]

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Music had been playing or quite a while now and Ava felt like she wanted to dance but was too shy to. " Hey Ava are you thirsty or hungry?" Joey asked her as he claimed that he was going to get a slice of pizza. " I'm kinda hungry" she admitted. "What do you want? I'll bring it to ya" He spoke and she politely shook her head. " I can go with you". " Nah it's ok, I got it covered now" Joey assured her and smiled. " just a slice of pepperoni pizza" she answered and he nodded. " Wonder where my brother went" Jon said as he was sipping on coffee that he had just prepared. " Maybe he went to the bathroom" Ava said and he nodded. " Are you enjoying yourself?" He asked her softly. " Yes, I really am actually thank you for asking" she said and smiled. " How old are you?" He continued. " 20 how about you?" She spoke. "22" he answered. " oh" she said and nodded. "Jordan is your baby brother?" She adds and he chuckles before responding." That he is yep, the best baby brother too" he spoke and she grinned. 
Within a few minutes, Joey returned with their food. " so what did I miss?" He asked as he took a bite of his pizza. "Nothing much" Jon assured him. "Oh hey have you seen my brother?" Jon added and Joey nodded. " he's umm with a girl, I forgot her name but she's blonde". With that being said, Ava could feel a bit of slight jealousy wash over her but she tried to ignore it. When she finished eating, she popped in a couple of breath mints and offered some to Joey.

There was just a few hours left before new years and everybody was excited. Ava found herself wondering where Jordan was but then decided that it shouldn't even matter since she didn't know anything about him. She came here to have a good time not to wonder about a cute guy talking to what could be his girlfriend. So Ava decided to just spend the rest of her time with Joey who had been telling jokes nonstop making everybody around them laugh. She thought he was really funny that it almost seemed like he was the life of the party.

☁︎11 pm☁︎

Nobody was really eating anymore, everybody was just hanging about and chilling. Music was playing loudly, mainly upbeat type of music, Ava was standing in the corner with Jonathan, the idea was to stay until after midnight but she was kind of getting bored. "Ava do you want to dance?" Joey asked as he approached her. "Right now?" she said while raising one eyebrow. "Yes c'mon" he said as he gently tugged on her hand. She looked at Jonathan and he smiled encouraging her to go. Ava figured why not, since there was nothing much to do so dancing with Joey seemed like fun. There were only a few people dancing, some were just talking and the others were enjoying their drinks. A song by a random artist began to play and Joey began to swing her. She was very much enjoying this, Joey was so charming and funny that she was beginning to forget about Jordan and whoever that girl was.

☆.. 30 minutes later☆

There was only half an hour left before the new year. The hype was real, everybody was excited for 1992. Ava had been dancing with Joey to pass the time, unaware that Jordan had been watching them the entire time. Joey had excused himself only 10 minutes earlier and Ava was now completely alone. Donnie was chatting up a girl with short red hair, while Danny was looking for more records to play. Jonathan was nowhere to be found, and nobody had tried to talk to her. Suddenly, everybody was quick to grab a dance partner and Ava didn't know why. "Alright alright, it's time to slow things down a bit'. Ava assumed that there would be some kind of slow dance and made her way to sit down at a table.

The familiar tune of Madonna's 'Crazy For You' began to play, she loved this song. As she was trying to maneuver her way through the small crowd, a gentle hand had caught her wrist. Ava slowly lifted her head, a small gasp escaping her mouth when a pair of dreamy chocolate brown eyes were staring back at her. His gaze was very intense and upon opening his mouth to speak, he slowly pulled her into him. "Do you want to dance?" he asked in barely a whisper. His mouth radiated peppermint and coffee, to her it was an intoxicating mix. She nodded unable to form any kind of words as his arms snaked around her waist, but before that, he had placed her hands around his neck. Jordan was even much more breathtaking up close, their bodies began to sway along with the beat of the song. Nearing the chorus, Jordan had taken a few steps, slowly closing in the gap between them little by little. Ava's grip was loosening and she was also feeling a slight blush creeping on her face, so she timidly placed her head on his pectorals to hide her face as she was a bit shorter than him. Her heart was beating rapidly, this was all so sudden. It was as if the heavens opened up and answered her previous thoughts about him. For a moment, she lifted her head, she could feel Jordan's soft breathing on her forehead, his breath warm and the scent of peppermint mixed with coffee, sending all kinds of feelings inside. Ava could feel him adjusting the grip on her waist and a million of tiny butterflies inside her stomach fluttered. Jordan had now slightly rested his forehead on her own, his eyes peering down at her as she was still trying to bask in this moment. 'Oh my god' she thought to herself. One her arms loosened and she rested her hand on his shoulder while the other remained on his neck. She swore she could feel the smile on his face upon doing this. The song was almost drawing to an end.

The people around them began to chant.







Almost on cue, both Ava and Jordan pulled away. Her head was practically under his chin, afraid to even look up because right now she felt like putty but also, she didn't want to just break apart from him. This moment was almost too perfect, too surreal. So many undiscovered feelings for a person that she had just met, were coming to the surface and she didn't quite know how to take it in. But when Ava thought that this moment couldn't get almost perfect, he gently tilted her head with his thumb and index finger, leaning down to capture her lips tenderly. A million of thoughts raced through her head, not really knowing what to do. His lips felt heavenly against her own, her heart becoming putty when his bottom lip brushed over her a few times. Jordan kissed so softly, his lips were like velvet, dewy, warm and not to mention the sweet flavor that radiated off them. Releasing one hand that rested on her waist in the process and cupping her face gently, while tracing his thumb over, he deepened in the kiss. Ava only hoped that he wouldn't pull away because his Jordan was kissing her so sweetly that she was beginning to feel like the ground beneath her disappeared and she was floating on air. She did not want this moment to end.

This was a great way to start 1992.♡

First kiss!!! woohoo bet you guys didn't see that coming♥︎

F E E D B A C K is appreciated especially for this chapter that I got too carried away in haha.

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