Chapter 8: Party (part 2)

Start from the beginning

"Jessica, Happy birthday!" I hugged Jess and gave her the gift I had got for her. It was platinum earrings my Mother had selected for Jessica. Yeah we have just met but is doesn't feel like that. I feel as if I've known all of them for a long time. They are all good.

"Thanks Mason." She smiled at me. Everyone was talking to each other. I noticed Kyra was also looking in her mother's direction. Something was going on there. And then Derina Said something to her father and started walking towards the door.

My legs moved on their own, I had no control over it. I went to her and just as she was about to step out I caught her wrist. "What happened to you Derina? Are you okay?" Her eyes were holding water about flow through them. Shit what just happened?

"I'll see you at the party Mason." She yanked her wrist from my hold and walked away briskly.

She reached the elevator and bumped into someone. Nathan. I thought something was going on between them when I saw them at school. But the next day Nathan was getting all cozy with Kyra. Kyra was telling me in the car today about she liking Nathan.

As Nathan saw her he wrapped his arms around her and walked back into the elevator with her. Derina immediately sank in his arms. Even if there is something going on between them, why should I care? But I still wanted Derina to talk to me. She trusted Nathan so much and I was not liking it, at all.


Derina's POV-

I didn't have words to describe what I was feeling after I came down with Nathan. I wanted to cry and go to my mom and tell her everything about Dad. But I did not know whether Mom could handle it or not.

"Are you gonna tell me what in fUcking hell happened to you? I saw Mason at the door, did he do something or say-" I cut nathan off mid sentence.

"Nathan, it is about dad, not Mason." I whispered back. We were sitting in the open lawn of the hotel, I didn't feel like waiting here anymore, but it was Jessica's birthday, I couldn't ditch her like that. Cool breeze was flowing and there was peaceful silence here.

Nathan will understand what I say because he has a step mother, his Dad was a divorcee. He will tell me what to do in a situation like this, Maybe.

He was looking at me expectantly, waiting for me to explain to him.
"I was 16, I was going to tell my Dad to come for dinner as Mom had gone out for a business meeting that night. So I ran to his study, and I didn't knock and I pushed the door open and entered in. He was with a woman, kissing her, her back was towards me so I knew for sure that she wasn't my mother." I took a deep breath and looked at Nathan. His face was of shock and wide eyes.

"Till that day my relationship with my Dad was fine, he did not give me time and attention but it was okay. But after that day, that incident, I threw a tantrum out of anger. He somehow convinced me to not tell mom and that this was the last time he was meeting that woman."

"I don't know what to say Dare, but what happened today then? What happened that made you cry and so angry?" He knew arguments with my dad don't matter to me at all, but today was different.

"Kyra's Mom," I looked at him, "was that woman with my dad that day."

"What the- Well, shit." Nathan could not get words out of his mouth. He rubbed his hands all over his face slowly. "I know you are going to ask me whether you should tell your Mom or not, I think you should not." I turned my head to face him so fast that it would have snapped.

"Are you really telling me to keep my mouth shut and let my father do whatever the hell he wants?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Look Dare, it's not like you saw your father cheating again. He was just talking. And maybe he really loves your mother and hasn't cheated on her from the time when you last saw him, two years ago." I sighed."And whatever is going on let it happen. Whenever your Mom has to know she'll know. You don't want to handle your parents divorce. It sucks. Although I thought my step mother would be like Cinderella's and she'll not treat me properly, but she is the sweetest woman I know." He smiled. Yes his step mother is really nice. She has always been there for Nathan and never forced him to give her his mother's place.

"Okay Nathan, I understand. Thanks for being there for me. You know I love you, right?" He chuckled.

"I love you more Derina." he put his arm around my shoulder and so I lay my head on his shoulder.

"Do you like Kyra? there's a possibility of her being my real sister y'know." I laughed.

"Shut up Dare." He laughed loudly. "She's nice. Yeah maybe I do like her a bit." And just like that we talked about everything. In that moment I forgot about my Dad and everything else. Nathan was always like this. He always understood me better than Jess and Dan.

We sat there for some more time and it was late we could already hear the music thumping from the rooftop pool. Then my phone started blaring, It was Daniel. He told me that Jess was pissed at me and Nathan for leaving the stupid party, so I and Nathan rushed to the pool.


"Hey Nathan! Bro. Hey Dare, you look gorgeous." was all we could hear people greeting us with. Guys were patting his back and girls were drooling over him and some giving me dirty looks. So envious I tell you.

Everyone was drinking, enjoying and dancing. Some were already in the pool and Nathan and I were more than fashionably late.

We walked to Jess, Nick, Derek, Camilla and Rebecca, Daniel, Kyra and Mason sitting at the bar.

"I'm gonna kill you Derina!" Jess had shouted on spotting me. I just smiled sheepishly.

"I'm sorry Jess, It was important. I had to go." I said. We joined them at the bar. Nathan ordered a pint of beer for himself.

"What were you both doing together Nathan?" Daniel had asked. One head shot up in our direction, Mason.

"I just came with my parents. And she met me at the lawn." He glared at Dan for insinuating something else entirely.

"Derina and Nathan, oh my god. You both look like the golden couple. Can I click your picture for the magazine." That's the gossip queen of our school.
Maya Haydon. She has to ask our permission to click our pictures. Mason choked on his drink. He was looking at me with something in his eyes. I couldn't tell what it was. Maybe confusion.

"We aren't the couple here y'know. If you want to write anyone's stupid story in the gossip review write Jessica's and Nick's, they are back together."I said and Kyra left out a breath as if she had been holding it for a long time. She was relieved when I said that we weren't a couple.

"Hey Kyra, a dance?" Nathan asked Kyra and offered his hand.

"Sure why not!" Kyra seemed happy.

"Derina, here." Derek handed me a drink and I took it happily.

I see another potential couple on it's way here. Daniel is looking at me while Jess and Nick are posing for Maya. Jessica looks good not the kind with makeup. The one happy look you have because of love which makes you more beautiful.

I remembered something and immediately felt guilty. I had left Mason at the door. I didn't even talk to him properly. So I got up from my seat and walked towards him. Why did he have to look so hot. It's unfair God, totally.


Nathan and Derina as a couple? Or Nathan and Kyra?

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