Sixty One

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Kennedy gasped out in agony as the sword tore through her chest, missing her heart by a few inches.

She gazed up at the man in terror, her mouth pouring blood.

She tried to speak but all that came out were sputters and gags.

The man left her there, lying on the cold ground, bleeding out, the only thing that kept her from dying on the spot from blood loss was the sword in her chest.

She stared up at the night sky, in absolute shock, unable to move or blink. The pain was so unbearable that she became numb.

"Maybe I deserve this." She thought to herself.  "Maybe this is the world's way of letting me know that I really did fuck up. Maybe I really do deserve be dead."

She suddenly didn't feel so scared anymore, instead she accepted the fact she was dying, and she didn't seem to mind one bit.

"My family will be better off without me." She thought, "I can't hurt them if I'm dead."

Suddenly, all the memories of her childhood, all the laughs, all the cries, all the hugs and kisses, all the love and surprises came flooding back into her mind, stunning her for a moment.

*** Flashback***

"Aren't you the prettiest princess ever?!" Magnus gasped, baby talking to a 9 month old Kennedy.

She saw herself in Alec's arms, dressed in her halloween costume, a puffy pink princess dress with a tiara to top it off.

"You are so beautiful my sweet girl, Daddy loves you so much, did you hear me? Yeah! I love you Kennedy, and so does Dad! He loves you too yes he does!" Magnus cooed smothering Kennedy in kisses causing her to squeal and scream with excitement, flailing her arms and legs in happiness.

"We will always love you Kennedy Joyce, always, no matter what." Alec cooed, smiling down at her when Magnus backed away a bit.

Baby Kennedy gazed up at him, her eyes twinkling with happiness and pure joy.

"We will love you forever and ever, you deserve the whole world." He smiled at her, placing a kiss on her forehead.

**** End of Flashback****

A wave of fear suddenly washed over her as she realized that she couldn't die, not now.

Her family needed her, Abigail, Gabe, Magnus and Alec, and especially baby Milo who hasn't even seen her face yet.

She couldn't just die on them, it would hurt them in so many ways and that isn't what she wanted, she didn't want to hurt them like that.

She loved each and every person in her family but she didn't realize how much she did until now.

They loved her just as much as she loved them, and if she died it'd be like a piece of them would be missing.

She struggled to stay awake, using all her strength and all her hope to keep fighting,  but she seemed to keep fading away from existence.

She was too weak to use her magic, and if she took the sword out she'd bleed out before she found help, so instead she layed there, slowly and painfully dying.

Tears spilled down her cheeks as she realized that she was going to die there, in the alley, all alone, no one there to save her.

She could no longer control the heaviness of her eyelids and began drifting away from the world, away from existence.

She thought this was it, that she was going to die and never see her siblings ever again, but suddenly she had some hope.

"Oh god Kennedy!" A voice cried from the opening of the alley.

She could hear footsteps rushing towards her, but it all sounded so faded and far away.

Her vision was extremely blurred, but she could tell that the person holding her in their arms was Alec.

"By the angel.. Kennedy.."He sobbed, she could feel his cool tears dripping on her face.

"Kennedy, stay with me, okay? It's going to be okay, I'm here, I'm right here." He choked, stroking her bloody hair with his fingers.

"" Kennedy managed to choke out,  her breathing shallow and uneven.

"Shh, shh save your strength okay? Isabelle and Clary are coming, they just had to check the perimeter. They'll help me take you to Catarina's. You're going to be okay." He cooed, pressing a kiss on her cool forehead.

Kennedy felt herself fading again, her body becoming completely weak.

"I...I...I'm s...s...sorry.." she stammered as she drifted away, her gaze not leaving Alec's.

" please...Kennedy!" Alec cried out as he felt Kennedy's body become limp in his arms.

He sat there for a moment, sobbing into her hair, pleading for her to wake up but after a few seconds he got to his feet, scooping Kennedy up with him.

"Looks like I'm going to have to take you to Catarina's myself. I am not letting you die on me." He said.


Hey guys!

So I was able to write another chapter yay!!! ♥

I appoligize that its short and if theres any spelling errors, im really tired and cant think straight.

I had major writers block half way through and thought of just giving up. But I love you guys so much and didn't wanna keep you waiting ♥

Anyways, I really hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Love, Caity ♥♡♥♡

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