Thirty Seven

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2 months later

"Will you please tell me where you are taking me Alexander? "Magnus asks.

His eyes were blindfolded and Alec was directing him to the living room where a suprise was being held for him.

"Just be quiet and keep walking we're almost there." Alec says.

Magnus pouted in protest he wanted to know what the hell Alec was doing, Magnus wasn't really a fan of suprises.

Suddenly they came to a stop and Magnus grew more anxious at what he was about to see.

"Keep them closed until I say open them." Alec says taking off the blind fold.

"Okay open them!"

Magnus opened his eyes and gasped in happiness.

"SUPRISE!" Everyone cheered.

Kennedy came running towards Magnus with a huge grin n her face, and Magnus scooped her up in his arms.

"Happy Birthday Mommy! " Kennedy squealed cheerfully.

"Thank you Pumpkin! " Magnus cries kissing his daughters forhead.

"Did you guys do this all for me?" Magnus grins.

"Of course we did Magnus, its your birthday! " A familiar voice called from the crowd.

Ragnor Fell.

"Ragnor! " Magnus gasps placing Kennedy down.

"Hello there Magnus! Im so glad Catraina called me and invited me!"

"Actually, Alec invited you, I just passed the invitation on" A voice said.

"Catraina! " Magnus cries hurrying towards the blue skinned warlock and embracing her with a giant hug.

"Hey!" She cries hugging him back.

"I dont get one?" Ragnor pouts.

"Of course you do" Magnus laughs hugging his friend.

"Okay so now that we have said our hellos how about we open presents? " Izzy exclaimed.
"Thanks for the presents everyone, I love you all!"Magnus smiles.

"Your welcome" Some of them say, the others nod.

At the party there was Izzy, Simon, Jace, Clary, Ragnor, Catraina, Kennedy, (the babies were asleep since it was 7:30) and Alec.

All of whom Magnus loved.

Magnus had received mostly glitter and clothes as gifts but got clogne from Luke who couldn't make it because he was ill.

Also he had received from Alec, a very, very ugly christmas sweater with a giant snowman on the front.

It was an ugly green, brown and red, and was something Magnus wouldn't dare to wear, but since he had received it from his husband, he would wear it.

Kennedy was fast asleep against Magnus' shoulder for at least 5 minutes now so Alec picked her up and took her upstairs to bed.

As soon as he left ther was a knock on the door.

"Pizzas here I'll get it" Jace says and dissapeared.

"You guys are the best" Magnus smiled standing up to join the group.

"We did all of this because we love you Maggie" Izzy smiled.

"Aw I love you too! " Magnus gushes.

"Would you like a drink? We have wine." Simon asks.

"Yes please, "Magnus nods.

"What have you done?!" Catraina gasps.

"What" Simon asks.

"He gets drunk easily and when hes drunk, things get...weird..."

"What do you mean? "Simon asks.

"There was an incident, centuries ago, it wasn't pretty and he woke the next morning sick and by sick I mean brutally sick, it was awful.." Catraina explained.

"Yes, well lets not bring it was ugly I rather not remember it" Magnus says taking a sip of his wine he had gotten himself.

"I wanna hear this story "Alec says walking into the room.

"Ill tell you later darling" Magnus snickers into his wine.

"Just make sure to keep an eye on him, hes a slippery one." Ragnor says.

After everyone ate and chatted for awhile, they left.

It was 12:30am and Magnus was on his 7th drink.

He was only supposed to have 3 but he was sneaky enough to have 7.

Until now.

"MAGNUS" Catraina cried.

"Hmm?" Magnus hums into his wine.

"How many drinks did you have? You were only supposed to have 3!"


"Magnus seriously baby how many have you had?"Alec asks.


"SEVEN! MAGNUS! " Ragnor cries in protest.

"Magnus seriously, this is your last drink! The limit was 3 and you went over it," Catraina demanded.

"Your no fun" Magnus pouts.

"Magnus your idea of fun is not a fun trust me" Ragnor says.

Magnus stuck out his tounge and filled his glass again when no one was watching.


"Alexander! I think im dying I see stars!" Magnus cries.

"Oh god hes delusional! " Ragnor groans.

"Its only the glitter in your eyes Magnus" Alec says.

"Ill have you know I am not delusional I am perfectly fine! " Magnus demanded.

"Maggie maybe we should go to bed now...its late..and your drunk" Alec says.

"I am not!" Magnus cries.

"Magnus, your very drunk, and I think its time we got you to bed" Catraina says.

"No, I refuse to sleep." Magnus demanded.

"Magnus please" Alec says.

"Noooo!!! I wanna go outside in the snow!"Magnus cries.

"Magnus theres no snow yet!" Ragnor groans.

"I wanna play outside! "Magnus cries.

"No, Magnus its bedtime" Alec says scooping up his drunk husband.

Magnus squirmed in his arms but Alec was strong enough to hold him down.

"Magnus please, stop that" Alec groans walking up the stairs.

"Okay sexy " Magnus says.

Alec rolled his eyes.

"Where are we going? " Magnus asks.

"To bed"

"But im not sleepy"

"To bad"


Hey guys

Im really sorry this sucked....I am basically lie falling asleep rjght now lol the only time I get to write is in the night.

So yeah im sorry it sucked.

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