Fifty Five

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(Sorry if anything I wrote doesn't make sense or isnt spelt right, im absolutely exhausted..)

Camille let out an ear piercing shriek of agony as a ray of direct sunlight touched her skin.

It crackled and hissed as her skin burned under the hot light.

She tried pulling away from it but it was useless. 

One of the guards closed the window in the skylight above and the sunlight dissapeared.

"Why the hell are you doing this?  Huh? I haven't done anything wrong!" She hissed, her needle tipped fangs gleaming under the lights of the many chandliers above their heads.

"Tell us what you've done with Kennedy Lightwood- Bane and maybe punishment for you will be less painful. " Inqusitor Imogen (I think shes the leader of the clave but I have no idea.. correct me if im wrong? ) demands folding her arms in front of her chest, her patience was clearly getting low.

Camille laughed, her voice as beautiful and as light as the tinkle of a small bell.

"I will do no such thing. You really think that I'm going to confess just so I can get my ass thrown behind bars? I've told you. I have nothing to hide."

"Is that so?" Imogen asks, her tone not changing.

Camille smiled a trying smile at the woman not saying a word.

"Well I guess.." Imogen says walking closer to her, a smile creeping onto her face, "I guess since you won't admit to what you've done, I'm going to have to end this all."

Camille rolled her eyes and sighed.

"Its about damn time." She giggles wriggling her wrists that were tied to the chair, "Now get these off of me, They're starting to itch."

Imogen pulled a sword off of the wall and pressed it against her chest.

Camille didn't flinch, she stared at Imogen, her eyes as cold as ice, "Really?" She laughs running her tongue across her lower lip.

"A little birdy told me that you've changed Kennedy into a vampire, is that true Camille?" She asks sternly not moving her gaze from Camille's deadly gaze.

"I told you,  I'm not speaking. " She hisses in frustration.

Imogen pushed the tip of the sword deeper into Camille's chest.

Camille winced as she felt it begin to tear through her flesh but still, she didn't budge.

" I also heard you tried this experiment on yourself, and it failed, you nearly died did you not?" Imogen asks gripping the handle of the sword so tight her knuckles were white.

Camille shrugged.  "I don't know what you're talking about."

The tip penetrated her flesh and blood began to spill down her shirt and bra.

Now Camille was uncomfortable, Now they were getting somewhere.

"Is it true?!" Imogen snapped in rage, her frustration turning to anger.

"Is what true?" Camille wheezed in pain.

"Is it true that you have successfully turned Kennedy Joyce Lightwood-Bane into a so called warlock vampire?" Imogen snapped, her face as red as satan himself.

"Maybe..Maybe not. You'll never know."Camille laughed despite being in pain.

"Alright, you clearly are not going to tell me the truth.." Imogen says, her voice back to calm, cool and collected.

"Guards, open the skylight. It is tim for Camille Belcourt's execution. "

Camille swallowed as she watched Imogen set the sword down and one of the guards begin to open up they skylight above her.

A huge ray of sun pierced her skin. She let out a loud screech of agony and flailed her arms and legs trying to break free from the chairs hold.

Finally she gave in.

"Alright!  Alright!..y..yes! It's..its true!..all of it!" Camille cried in agony.

Imogen twirled her fingers towards the guard indicating that he could close the skylight.

Camille sat back against the chair, her nose flaring in anger and pain.

"Miss Camille, by order of the clave you are to be locked up for life. You will be punished for your actions as well." Imogen thundered, making those 2 sentences the last she would speak to Camille. At least for the night.

"What?!" Camille asks in disbelief as the guards begin to unbuckle her from the chair.

"Guards take her downstairs. There is a nice cold, dirty cell waiting for her. "

Camille flailed her arms and legs trying to get away from the guards grip, but even her vampire strength wasn't strong enough.

Two of the four guards took her out of the room, the other two stayed behind.

"You both are going to go on a mission for me. You must suit up by tonight and leave by midnight. " She tells them sternly.


"I want you to find and capture Kennedy Joyce Lightwood-Bane and bring her to me. I have been waiting for something like this to happen, and now that it finally has I have many tests I'd like to preform on this young lady." She smiles, her eyes suddenly turning from warm to as cold as the deepest, darkest pit of hell.

Kennedy heard the phone on the other end drop, she panicked when she couldn't hear her mother anymore.

"Mom! Hello?!" She cries in terror, gripping the phone tight.

"Kennedy? What is it?" Alec asks stiffening up as he saw the look on his daughters face.

"I..I think there's something wrong! " Kennedy squeaked handing Alec the phone.

"Magnus?!" Alec cried into the phone praying that he'd reply.

"Magnus! Are you there?" Alec asks in panic, his heart racing and his breathing becoming heavier and uneven.

He shook his head, hung up the phone and stood up.

"We need to go, right now." Alec said sternly.

"What? Why? What happened?!" Kennedy asks in horror as she stood up.

"I don't know. But we need to get home ASAP. We're going to have to find a place to portal and fast."
Hey guys.
Im alive!  Haha ♥
I missed you all so much!  Im so sorry that I made you all wait that long. I just need breaks sometimes.

Anyway im sorry if it sucks, my brain is fogged and im tired..

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