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Alec awoke to gagging sounds coming from the bathroom across the room.

He grew worried as he realized that Magnus wasn't beside him and got up quickly.

He strode over to the bathroom to find Magnus on his knees, his arms on the toliet seat and his face in between them.

He was breathing heavily and heaving loud, dry heaves.

Alec frowns crouching next to his husband and rubbed the small of his back soothingly.

He felt Magnus jolt with suprise and Alec kissed his wet hair.

"Its alright honey its only me" Alec cooed in his ear.

"Im sorry you have to see this." Magnus says.

"Nonesense baby, whats wrong are you sick again? " Alec asks stroking Magnus' arms.

"Yeah. " Magnus moans snuggling into Alecs chest.

"Magnus darling you've been like this for almost two months now.." Alec says.

"I know." Magnus sighs.

"Magnus, we had unprotected sex a month and a half ago..." Alec gasps.

Everything was making sense now.

The mood swings Magnus keeps having, the over eating, the vomiting, that could only mean one thing.

"Maggie.." Alec chokes.

Magnus smiled slightly and sighed

"Im pregnant Alexander. " Magnus grins.

" do you know?...How did you find out?"

"Pregnancy tests, they were all positive, and I went to see Catraina, she confirmed that im indeed pregnant. " Magnus smiled.

"Y..your serious?" Alec stammered.

"Yeah." Magnus beamed with happiness.

Alec kissed Magnus suddenly and pulled away quickly forgetting what had just happened.

"You have puke breath" Alec groaned.

"You stupid nephilim" Magnus grinned placing a kiss on Alecs forehead and getting up to brush his teeth.

"Can we tell the kids?" Alec asks watching Magnus brush his teeth.

"Mmfh!" Magnus cries spitting out the residue.

"No! Not yet, just wait okay?" Magnus says wrapping his arms around Alec bring his face close to Alecs so that their noses touched.

"Were really having another baby?" Alec asks.

"Yes Alexander we are" Magnus smiled kissing Alecs lips.

Kennedy sighs walking down the noisy halls of the school.

So many people had called her "emo" or "ugly" in the last hour she lost count.

She heard someone behind her talking about her and she started to walk faster.

"Hey Emo freak did your faggots of parents choose those clothes for you today?" A familiar voice mocks.

Kennedy stopped dead in her tracks, she bit her tounge and clenched her fists as she slowly turned around.

She knew this girl well. Sandra Stevie

She was the most popular girl at school, and everyone knew her.

"Awe is baby gonna cry?" She grinned.

"Did you seriously just call my parents faggots?!" Kennedy cried.

"Yeah, are you deaf?" She scoured.

"Your lucky I don't fucking kill you right now." Kennedy growled clenching her fists.

Suddenly Sandra screamed in terror backing away from Kennedy.


Kennedy didn't even realise she was using her magic to choke off this bitch.

"That is none of your concern bitch" Kennedy spat.

"L..let me go! going to the principal" Sandra sputters and gasps.

"And tell them what? That theres some dead immortal girl running the schools who wants to kill you? You actually think theyre going to believe you?" Kennedy laughs in anger.

Sandra said nothing.

"You stay the fuck away from me and my family got it?" Kennedy growls.

Sandra nods in horror still dangling mid air.

"And you are to tell no one, because not only will they think your fucking insane but I also because I will find you, and I will kill you, and I am very capable of getting away with it." Kennedy smiles deviously.

"O..okay let me go..." Sandra gasps for air.

Kennedy flung her across the hall and into some lockers she slammed into them hard and she fell to the floor almost instantly.

As she got up, she stared at Kennedy in horror.

"SCRAM MUNDANE" she hissed.

Sandra scampered to her feet and fled.

Kennedy couldn't help but grin.

"Stupid mundanes" she laughed as she began her walk to the doors, no way was she going to chemistry.


Hey guys sorry it was short and sucky im just tired and stuff.

But Magnus is pregnant again! Yay!

War of Hearts (A Malec Mpreg)  ||ON HOLD||Where stories live. Discover now