Ten (part 2)

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1 year later

Magnus frowns gazing at himself in the mirror, he continued to fidget with his bow tie that sat on his chest.

"MAGNUS!" Izzy cried slapping his arm.

"Ow! Why have you done that?!" Magnus growls.

"Stop playing with the bow!"

"Its crooked. " Magnus insisted.

"No its not. Its perfect! Now quit it. And I swear on the angel Magnus if you touch your hair i will kill you. "

Magnus rolled his eyes.

"I look terrible. "

"Magnus shut up! You look great," Izzy smiles placing a hand on his shoulder.

She stared wide eyed at him, he was shaking like a leaf.

"Magnus, are you okay? "

Magnus smiled "never better."

He squeezed his eyes shut and whimpered feeling as if he would vomit or faint.

"Magnus. " izzy says.

"Okay fine I admit it, i have the wedding jitters." He frowned.

"Its ok Mags just take a seat on the bed, and breathe, once you say your I dos youll be fine." She smiled.

"What if I mess up? What if I trip and fall?" Magnus asks, his hands trembling.

"You wont! Youll do great. "

Magnus smiled slightly at Izzy and wiped his sweaty palms on his pants.

"I love him, so much."

"I know you do and today, he will be yours forever. " izzy smiled.

Magnus smiled back when there was a knock on the door.


"Its not Alec its Clary." Clary says from outside the door.

"Oh, well in that case..." izzy opens the door to let Clary in.

She was holding Kennedy in her arms.

Magnus couldn't help but squeal like a little girl when he saw what she was wearing.

She had a sparkly pink tutu on with a white long sleeved shirt the had a giant sparkly heart on the front.

On her head was a flower crown and in her longish black hair was glitter.

"Oh She looks so beautiful! " He cries happily.

Kennedy squealed as he danced around the room with her.

There was another knock on the door, it was Simon.

"Their ready. " he says.

The doors were closed when Magnus arrived.

He was having Isabelle give him off since he had no parents there.

It was only the two of them and the bridesmaids and the flower girl outside the door, Magnus' arm was locked with Isabelles.

He felt the world spin and as the music started he felt like he wanted to run away.

But he stayed, and when the doors opened and every one got up and turned to look at him, he also stayed.

Up first went The bridesmaids Clary, Izzy and Maia, Clary held Kennedy in her arms helping her through the rose petals on the ground, leaving a trail for Magnus.

Magnus and Izzy went last.

Magnus kept swallowing hard so he wouldn't vomit.

But when he saw Alec at the front with the Silent brother and the priest, smiling wide, hands in front of him he grew less worried.

They walked slowly and gracefully down the isle, Magnus growed less and less nervous as they got closer.

"Next time im hug you, youll be my brother. " izzy smiled letting him go.

Alec smiled wide taking his hands in his.

They were hot and clammy just like his own and had the slightest tremble.

He was nervous too.

"I love you. " He smiled.

"I love you too. " Magnus smiled.

Magnus could feel the tears brimming his eyes, and he couldn't control them when the poured down his face like running taps.

He saw through tears that Alec too was crying.

"We are gathered here today to witness the marriage of Alexander Lightwood and Magnus Bane." The preist boomed.

Magnus shook, he was nervous again.

"Repeat after me, I Alexander Lightwood..."

Alec smiled "I Alexander Lightwood..."

"Take Magnus Bane..."

"Take Magnus bane..." Alec repeated.

"To have and to hold, through sickness and in death..."

Alec repeated everything he was told even placed the ring on Magnus' finger and so did Magnus.

"Now, before we finish, does anyone object to this marriage or forever hold their peace?"

No one said anything, just gazed with smiles, some even had tears in their eyes.

"Wonderful, now Alexander Lightwood do you take Magnus Bane to be your husband? "

Alec had tears pouring down his face along with Magnus now and smiled wide.

"I do."

"Good, and now, Magnus Bane do you take Alexander Lightwood to be your husband? "

Magnus made an awful sound and smiled with tears pouring down his face, wetting his neck and tuxedo.

"I do" he smiled with trembling lips.

"You may kiss" the preist said backing away.

Alec pulled Magnus' body in and cupped his face in his hands,
Magnus gripped his tuxedo with his fingers as their lips collided.

They could both taste the salty bitterness of their tears on their tounges.

They kissed with so much passion and love Magnus felt as if his body were floating in thin air and as if no one were there, if they had left the two alone.

The kiss was something Magnus had never felt before.

Alecs touch was more softer and gentle, like silk.

And his lips were as soft and luscious as cotton candy.

It was perfect.

They finally pull away and suddenly the crowd was back and clapping.

"I give you Mr and Mr Lightwood! "

Heyy so....im sorry I was bad at this ive never been to a wedding so I dont know what they say...Also im like fallin asleep writing this.....

Hope you enjoyed it

Until next time....
Katie ♥ :) xoxo

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