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Magnus gasped, shooting up out of bed, his face poured with sweat, so much sweat he was actually drenched in it.

He wiped his hair slick with sweat back and panted standing up, he felt unbelievably sick.

He noticed that it was nearing sunrise because the colors outside were beautiful like a painting.

He was utterly confused, did all of what he experience actually happen? Or was it just a dream?

He noticed that they were indeed in a cabin so did that mean it actually happened?

"Alexander?" Magnus asks shaking him.

Alec didn't budge.

"Alec? "Magnus asks shaking him rougher.

Alec groaned and stirred in his sleep.

"Its okay baby, just go back to sleep. " Alec groans fixing his position on the bed.

"Alec I had a nightmare. " Magnus whined.

An image of the horryfing demon flickered through his mind.

Its ugly tentacles with deadly stingers instead of harmless suckers, the way it pounced ontop of him, pinning him to the ground, and its breath.. its putrid breath.

Magnus could still smell it and he retched loudly, he immediately twirled his fingers and made a bucket appear, he knew he wouldn't make it to the bathroom in time, because it was all the way down the hall.

He heaved into the bin, emptying last nights dinner.

Than he remembered what had happened last night, they went out for dinner in Italy and made out, than went to bed and made out some more but didn't hae sex because they were both exhausted.

"Magnus?!" Alec gasps sitting up and rubbing his back.

Magnus only vomited once and made the bucket dissapear.

"Are you okay sweetie? Was it the chicken last night? "

"No, because youd be sick too.." Magnus says wiping sweat out of his eyes.

"Than what was it?....oh my god, please tell me...."

"No! Im not pregnant Alexander!" Magnus cries hitting his shoulder.

"Oh thank the angel." Alec sighs.

"I had a nightmare. " Magnus says simply.

"Oh, poor baby! What was it about?" Alec coos snuggling Magnus.

" demon,"

"A demon? "

"Yeah, um, we were just making out by the fireplace than we went for a swim...things um you heard something, so you went to check and a shapeshifter demon tricked me into thinking it was you and attacked me, I was dying and then I woke up..."

"Oh baby, thats a horrible nightmare, but you know none of that will happen, your safe here" Alec says placing a hand on his leg.

"How would you know Alec? Theres demons everywhere, we don't know where they are and when theyll attack!" Magnus growls.


"Im going to get a shower...."

"Can I..."

"No, im going by myself this time." Magnus says leaving Alec behind, hurt.

Magnus closed the door behind him as he entered the bathroom.

He peeled off his sweaty clothes and started the shower.

He stepped in and sighed, the hot water was heavenly spraying gently against his skin.

He washed his body first, than his hair and then got out.

He than walked over to the mirror and stared at himself.

His eyes were bloodshot and had bags beneath them.

The odd sparkle could be seen in his waterline.

He brushed his teeth 3 times before putting on his robe and walking out of the steam filled room and into the hall.

It was cold and he shivered as he walked.

He smelt something delightful coming from the kitchen.

He yawns aloud and began padding down the hall into the kitchen where Alec was cooking breakfast.

"Hey." He says, he sounded he was hurt.

"Good morning Alexander darling," he smiles wrapping his arms around Alecs waste and placing his chin on his shoulder.

"Are you hungry?"

Magnus hummed in delight. "Very,"

"Good. "

"Hey look, i apologize for snapping at you like that darling, I was just frightened. " Magnus says.

"I know baby, its okay. "

Magnus nibbles in Alecs ear causing Alec to squeal.

"Magnus! "

Magnus giggles he loves picking on Alec.

He bit and licked his neck.

"Magnus! Im trying to cook" Alec moans.

"It can wait" Magnus says reaching out to shut off the burner.

Alec frowns.

"I thought you were hungry. "

Magnus grins "im more hungry for that beautiful body of yours"

Alec smiled.

"Your such a tease"

They kissed now, sloppily and sexy.

Alec began sliding his hands into Magnus robe but Magnus stopped him.

"Lets take it upstairs."

Hehehehe I made you guys wait longer! And boom! I tricked you!

Im so evil hahaha XD

So....will there be SMUT in the next chapter? ?


Should I make you wait again?

We shall see!

Chapter 14 soon!

Until next time...katie ♥♥

War of Hearts (A Malec Mpreg)  ||ON HOLD||Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant