Twenty Six

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10 hours later

Magnus was officially 8 centimeters since Ragnor had broken his water to make things go faster, and things were going....well...not so great.

Magnus puked on Alec twice by accident during contractions, and his throat was red raw from screaming but Ragnor fixed it with magic.

He currently had his arms around Alec, on his knees on the floor while Ragnor rubbed his back soothingly.

" thirsty.." Magnus stammered.

Ragnor magicks up a cup of ice water with a straw for Magnus.

"Here you are Magnus" Ragnor says.

Magnus turned around on all fours and drank with trembling lips as Ragnor held it for him.

"Thank you Ragnor" He smiled weakly.

"You are very welcome Magnus"

"Ungghhhh ohhhhh" Magnus cries out as a contraction hit him hard.

"I...I want...OHHHH!!"

"If you were saying you wanted is too late im afraid."

"The...t..the baby....shes right there...shes lowered I feel her.."

"Lets see how far along you are Magnus. "


Magnus was now 9 centimeters, Ragnor magicked up things for the birth.

Medical tools, blankets, warm water, warm blankets, birthing supplies and last but not least, a birthing mat which Ragnor slipped underneath Magnus.

"OHHH I NEED TO PUSH! " Magnus screams.

"Magnus I told you that you could! Im just getting everything ready. "

Magnus grips Alec tight and pushed.

Alec kissed his sweaty forehead and burried his nose in his damp hair.

Magnus felt a hand on his lower back, massaging it oh so gently.

Magnus sways with Alec in as the contraction began to fade.

"Your doing so good baby" Alec coos.

"It hurts, it hurts it hurts" Magnus cries.

"I know baby I know"

"That contraction lasted a good minute and 25 seconds," Ragnor says.

"And it was str.., OHH!"

"Push Magnus" Ragnor commands.

Magnus does as told and pushes down, hard.

"UNGHHHHHH OHHHHHHH!!!" He screams in anger and agony.

"That was a wonderful push Darling, just need you to hold it in longer, it makes the baby move down faster. " Ragnor smiled.

"I cant it hurts!"

"I know sweet cabbage but its worth seeing your baby's for right? "

Magnus screams in pain as another contraction hit and he pushes down hard.

"The heads right there Magnus, keep pushing your doing so well!" Ragnor cries.

"I CANT! I CANT I CANT! IT HURTS SO SO BAD!" Magnus cries, tears spilled down his cheeks like a waterfall.

"Yes you can honey, come on, I believe in you" Ragnor says.

"No! I can't! I can't do this anymore please! "

"Come on baby, I know it hurts I know. But the babies are nearly here, you can do this baby"

Magnus sobs into another push.

He held it in as long as he could before the burning down there was too much.

"GAHHHHHHHH! OHHHH GOD!!!" Magnus bawls.

He was in excruciating pain and he couldn't take it much longer.

"Good job! Keep going Magnus! "

Magnus bares down again and screamed bloody murder as a gush and stinging pain tore through his bottom.

"FUCKING FUCK! FUCK FUCK FUCK!" Magnus sobs loudly.

"The heads out oh my god the heads out Maggie! You pushed the head out! Baby a is almost here! " Ragnor cries of joy.

Magnus looks between his trembling legs and saw a teeny squished face.

"My baby! " he sobs.

"He or she has so much hair!" Ragnor smiled.

Magnus breathes heavily through his nose and pushed again as another contraction hit.

He held it as much as his lungs would let him.

He screams in agony as the shoulders come out.


"One more big push! Come on honey!" Ragnor cries.

Magnus gave one last push and with that the baby slid out into Ragnors ready hands.

Magnus breathes and pants falling to his knees.

Ragnor cut the cord of his baby and suddenly tiny screams filled the air.

Magnus cries happily, he was overwhelmed.

"Whats does she look like?!" Magnus asks

"Its a he Magnus! We have a son! " Alec sobs happily gazing at his newborn,

Magnus cried even harder.

"Mommys little prince" he smiled with trembling lips.

Magnus sat down and Ragnor handed him his baby,

"Hes so beautiful" Make sobs as Ragnor handed him his baby

He was left breathless as Magnus held the screaming newborn against his chest.

"Hush little one, hush, its okay shhh " Magnus coos rubbing the babies back.

"Hes gorgeous. " Ragnor smiled placing a hand on Alecs shoulder.


5 minutes later

Magnus yelped as another contraction ht him.

"Here comes baby B!" Ragnor smiled.

Sorry it was short my tablet is dying :(

War of Hearts (A Malec Mpreg)  ||ON HOLD||Where stories live. Discover now