Thirty Three

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Magnus stormed out of the hospital room, sobbing.
He heard people murmuring and burst into a run recognizing them.

Clary, Luke, and Alec.

"Magnus!?" Clary called out and heard footsteps clicking against the floor, chasing him, Magnus didn't look back.

He whipped around a corner, and countinued to run with someone chasing behind him.

He found a single (both genders) bathroom and rushed inside slamming the door shut and locking it.

He fell on his butt, sliding his back down the wall bursting into a loud sob.

He was startled by a banging on the door and a jiggling of the doorknob.

"Magnus?!....Magnus whats wrong are you sick?" It was Simon.

"Go away daylighter!" Magnus cries.

"Magnus please! " begged a girl voice.


The two Godparents of his daughter.

Clary the one who delivered his baby, dealt with Magnus' screaming, whining, vomiting and well...everything that day.

And as well for Simon, Simon suprised him that day, he was actually helpful.

He loved them of course, but right now, Magnus wanted to be alone.

"Just....just please leave me alone...." Magnus says, his voice hoarse from crying.

"Magnus come on open up.." Simon says jiggling the doorknob again.

"I SAID GO!....Please" Magnus cries.

He could hear the sigh of Clary and the huff of Simon and finally they left.

Magnus waited for the sounds of their footsteps to dissappear before he cried some more.

He cried for a good 10 minutes before there was another knock on the door.

"I said go away Simon!" Magnus cries.

"Im sorry? " a voice Magnus didn't recognize asked in shock.

Magnus shot up, wiping his eyes.

He opened the door to a elderly lady, she looked about 50 or 60 and had a look of confusion on her face,

"Im so sorry, I thought you were someone else..." Magnus says awkwardly.

"Its quite alright dear, could you please excuse me, I need to get in there." She says pointing into the bathroom.

"Of course. " Magnus says moving away.

The lady nods as if thanking him and steps in closing and locking the door behind her.

Magnus breathes heavily through his nose and stared down the hall.

He began to walk down the hall, hoping to find an elevator to get to the first floor, he was starved but more thirsty then he was hungry.

After a few minutes he found an elevator.

He strode over to it just as the doors open, letting 3 people out.

A woman holding hands with who he assumed was her husband and Magnus could see her giant baby bulge.

Magnus smiled, he missed being pregnant, it was a wonderful experience.

Along with the husband and wife a girl about 9 skipped behind them strolling a toy stroller with a teddy bear in it.

Magnus smiled as he walked past them and into the elevator.

He clicked the button that had 1 on it, the 1st floor.

The elevator doors shut with a ping and Magnus watched as the numbers went down, 3,2,...1.

The doors opened with another ping, he was startled as a crowd of mundanes entered.

He pushed past them and into the hall.

He walked down the hall and to the food court (which he had to ask for help to find) and smiled.

It smelt heavenly.

Instead of just hospital cafeteria food, it had an actual food court.
A pizza place, Starbucks, subway, KFC, some Chinese food and a smoothie place.

Magnus ordered a chicken burger, fries and a drink from KFC and sat at a table a few feet away.

His stomach gurgled in hunger as he bit into the burger.

"Magnus there you are!" A voice cried.

Magnus sighs looking up to see Alec racing toward him, the look of worry on his face.

Magnus placed down his burger and groaned as alec sat down.

"Clearly I cannot enjoy eating alone.." he grumbled pushing the tray away.

"Magnus, eat your food." Alec says almost a demand.

"Im not hungry. " Magnus says.

Alec pushed the tray in front of Magnus.

"Eat, you haven't eaten in hours." Alec says placing his hand on Magnus'.


"Why? Magnus by the angel stop blaming yourself would you?!" Alec demanded, his voice rising.

"shh!" Magnus hissed.

"Magnus please eat, for me."

Magnus smiled slightly.

"Fine, but only because I love you."

Alec smiled and kissed Magnus' hand.

He let go of his hand and stood up, "im going to get a sub, be right back" Alec smiled kissing Magnus on the lips who was chewing a bite of his burger.

Magnus ate the food almost instantly.

His stomach gurgled happily as he ate.

He finally finished when Alec approched with a sub and a bottle of coca cola.

He smiled awkwardly and sat down.

Magnus drank his soda watching Alec open the sub and eat it ravishingly.

"Im sorry I ran out.." Magnus says out of thin air.

"Its alright baby." Alec says placing a hand on Magnus ' hand and biting the sandwich with the other.

They both sat in silence as Alec ate and Magnus drank.

When they finished Alec put both hands on his husbands, gripping them tightly.

"I love you so much Magnus" Alec smiled.

"I love you too baby" Magnus smiled back.

"Good, now come on, lets go on see Kennedy, shes awake and wanting her mommy"


Hey guys, sorry it took so long for me to update.
Im sure you all know why.
But anyway hope you enjoyed the chapter! :)

War of Hearts (A Malec Mpreg)  ||ON HOLD||Where stories live. Discover now