Thirty Five

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"Oh, by the angel...." Jace groans pulling off Gabriels diaper.

"Stop being such a wuss!" Clary cries, she was next to him putting sleepers back on Abigail who was very, very fussy.

It was very late at night, 3:30 am to be exact and Clary and Jace were exhausted.

The babies woke up at 1:15 for milk and again at 2:15 because Abigail was just fussy and wanted cuddling so she cried and screeched until she got what she wanted which woke up Gabriel.
They finally fell asleep around 2:45 and of course, when Clary and Jace thought it was finally over, they were crying again.

This time because Gabriel had a dirty diaper and Abigail wet herself a tad but not enough to go though her sleepers.

"How does Magnus and Alec do this?" Jace gags plopping the dirty diaper into the trash bin beside the changing table.

"Because they had Kennedy, they dealt with it before, now theyre doing it again but with 2 babies now. Theyre excellent parents" Clary smiles laying Abigail in the crib who began to cry.

Clary groans picking up the baby and sits in the rocking chair across the room.

"I can tell you one thing, I never want to have kids" Jace muttered putting a new diaper on Gabriel who squirmed making it rather difficult.

Clary grinned "you sure about that? "

Finally the babies fell asleep and Clary and Jace went back to bed.

Clary snuggled into Jaces warm body and closed her eyes.

The next morning
Magnus bolted upward, he was awoken by a loud crash and a scream.

A very firmilar scream.

He shot out of bed and dashed ot the already open door, he sped faster as he heard cries of pain coming from downstairs.

"Alexander darling?! Whats wrong? " Magnus cries storming over the stairs.

"Maggie..." Alec chocked out from the kitchen Magnus presumed.

Magnus' fingers gleamed blue he was ready for an attack but as he rounded the corner and into the kitchen the magic faded.

"OH ALEXANDER! " Magnus cries hurrying to his husbands side.

"Maggie..ungh it hurts!" Alec yelps as he touched his foot.

Magnus noticed that it was very swollen, and very discolored, it was a mixture of purples and blues and greens and looked very broken.

Magnus noticed that beside him there was the electric griller which was on the top shelf before and Magnus couldn't help but cringe.

"I wanted to make breakfast and, ungh! Fuck!" Alec hissed between gritted teeth.

"Did you drop the griller on your toe?" Magnus asks rubbing the small of Alecs back.

"Ye..yeah, I reached up for it and it fell on my foot"

Magnus frowns,
"Poor baby! "

"F..fuck by the angel Maggie please, it hurts! "

Magnus snapped his fingers, blue sparks of magic glimmered from his palms and he got to work.

"This will be painful honey, I have to move the bones into place, stay still as best as you can okay?" Magnus asks.

Alec bit his bottom lip with a nod.

Magnus hovered his hands over Alecs very broken foot as gentle as he could.

Alec screamed in pain as he felt the bones re attaching.

His forehead was beaded with sweat and his eyes were a mixture of agony, bewilderment and horror.

Finally after 5 minutes Alecs screaming stopped and the pain subsided.

"I have to wrap your foot, and your going to have to use crutches for a month or two, since I have healed you with magic you'll heal quicker than a mundane." Magnus says.

"Do what you have to do," Alec pants, exhausted from the pain and screaming.

Magnus smiled and began to wrap his foot in a cast.

Alec felt Magnus' hands over his foot and smiled, his hands were cool, gentle and loving even if they were trembling a bit.

When Magnus finished, he helped Alec up and he made crutches appear and handed them to him.

"Thank you baby." Alec smiled kissing Magnus on the lips, which was awkward because the crutches dug into Magnus.

"Aw man this is gonna suck so bad." Alec laughs almost miserably.

"I know baby, but I will be over soon, I promise" Magnus smiled kissing Alecs lips.

"How are you supposed to hold 2 babies?" Alec asks suddenly, feeling upset.

"I could call Isabelle" Magnus says.

2 minutes later

"Hey Izzy, I..."

"Hey big brother! " izzy cries.

Magnus cringes, she said that so loud his ear rang.

"Izzy, I need you to come over something has happened" Magnus says gripping the phone in his hand.

"What happened is Alec okay, the kids oh no the kids please tell me their okay?!" Izzy asks her voice gone serious.

"Yes, the kids are fine, their with Jace and Clary, it Alec you should be worried about. " Magnus says.

"What?! What happened? Is he.."

"No, hes perfectly fine, except for the fact that he broke his foot."
"Oh my gosh, is he on crutches? "

"Yeah, he is, and he will have to be for at least a month before he can be back on his feet again." Magnus says.

"You want me to come help you out? With the kids?"

"Yes, but if you dont.."

"Im on my way be there in 10!"


Hey guys! So im sorry it took so long!
I have an exam June 15th so I was busy studying.

Hope you enjoyed!

Love you guys ♥

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