Fourty Two

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Magnus was sound asleep with his arms curled around a bucket incase he was sick again.

Over the last few hours he was really sick not just because of typical morning sickness but because of the smell of breakfast Alec had cooked for the kids before they left for school.

The smell of eggs had churned his stomach so bad he fell asleep on the bathroom floor while Alec sent the kids off to school.

Alec had found Magnus passed out in an uncomfortable postion on the cold bathroom floor and then he picked him up and took him to the living room couch.

He had woke up just 45 minutes ago vomiting again from typical morning sickness and fell asleep with it from exhaustion.

Alec came in the room then drying his hair with a towel from the shower he had just had and took the bucket away from Magnus.

His head drooped in a position Alec thought was truly uncomfortable and a little bit of spew was on his chin.

Alec frowned, poor thing he thought.

He propped Magnus' head up with one of the pillows on the couch and kissed his forehead.

He then left the room to wet a cloth with warm water and soap.

He came back into the room and wiped Magnus' chin softly, getting rid of the spew.

Magnus stirred in his sleep, "mmm Alexander.." he moaned.

"Shhh, its just me im just cleaning your chin. Go back to sleep." Alec coos placing a single kiss on his cheek.

Magnus didn't respond,  he was passed out again snoring slightly.

Alec smiled at his sleeping husband, he loved him dearly and it hurt his heart sometimes.

"Hes in here sleeping. " Alec says guiding Catraina into the living room where Magnus was sitting up with his head in the bucket.

"Or so I thought. " Alec sighs.

"Oh my,  you poor thing. " Catraina sighed sitting next to Magnus and rubbing his back.

Magnus heaved into the bucket and Catraina rubbed his back soothingly.

"How many times has he thrown up today and when did it start?" She asked Alec still rubbing Magnus' back.

"It started about 6:45, he got sick twice and then he came out for breakfast with the kids before they went to school which was about 7:15, then he got sick again from the smell and passed out on the bathroom floor. I brought him in here and about an hour later he got sick again. He slept for 3 hours and got sick again, he fell asleep after that and then he got sick again when you came."

"So about 5 times?"Catraina asks.

"Yeah about that many."Alec nods.

"Your making it sound like I sleep too much" Magnus says putting the bucket on the floor.

"Nonesense honey, your hardly getting any sleep which you need, and also its completely normal for you to sleep on your pregnancy, your sharing your energy with another person. " Catraina says.

"Why am I so sick?"Magnus moans snuggling into her.

"Were going to find out honey, but first I need a room to magic up every thing I need" she says.

"You can use the spare room down the hall from our bedroom. " Alec says.

"Alright thank you. " Catraina smiles.

"No problem. " Alec smiled.

She left then and Alec sat down next to Magnus who was as pale as a ghost.

He looked exhausted as well, his eyes were bloodshot with giant bags underthem and he was a tad green.

"Feeling better darling? " Alec asks stroking Magnus' cheekbone with his thumb.

Magnus simply shook his head in response.

"I..I dont understand why its so bad this time....could there be something wrong with the baby? "Magnus asks.

"Of course not baby, its probably just a stomach bug with your morning sickness thats making it worse." Alec coos.
"Well everything seems to be going fine, the baby's healthy and happy in that tummy of yours, but I have news on why your sick." Catraina sighed.

"What?" Magnus asks gripping Alecs hand tightly.

"You seem to have caught the stomach flu from somewhere thats why your throwing up so much." Catraina says.

"But none of us had that yet." Alec frowns.

"He couldve caught it anywhere, apparently its going around and Magnus seemed to have caught it."Catraina explained.

"So, when is it going to be over the flu I mean? " Magnus questions.

Catraina frowned "id say most likely one more day, you'll probably be able to eat tomorrow but dont eat to much at once you could get sick again." Catraina says magicking away the ultrasound and other tools she had set up.

"What about the morning sickness? " Alec asks feeling sorry for his husband.

"Oh yeah I almost forgot, here are some pills that are completely safe for the baby and will take away your morning sickness. " Catraina says handing Alec a pink bottle with Magnus' description on it including his name, age, date and year of birth and etc.

"Take them once a day and no more then that because then it could do something to the baby. Just keep track."Catraina nods.

"Alright thank you Catraina" Alec says.

"Your welcome. Goodbye Alec. I would say goodbye to Magnus but looks like hes passed out again." Catraina laughs.

Alec looked at Magnus who was fast asleep on the spare bed sleeping soundly.

"Ill tell him for you. " Alec smiled.

Hey guys sorry it sucked im just really tired and am coming down with I believe is a chest infection.

Anyway hope you enjoyed :)

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