Fifty One

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Kennedy was awoken with by the sound of an ear piercing shriek.

She shot up off of the floor where she had fallen asleep from crying earlier and hurried towards the door and started to pound on it.

"HELLO?! WHO'S THERE?!" Kennedy cried out.

"Let me go!" A voice shrieked. She knew exactly who it was am Camille.

For a second,  she had a spark of hope that it was her parents, coming to save her, but she lost that spark when she heard a voice that wasnt familiar to her.

"Take her away, make sure she doesn't escape. " A voice hissed.

"I don't understand! What the hell have I done?!" Camille cries out.

"You know exactly what youve done Camille, you stole an innocent warlock, you blocked her from her powers! You changed her goddammit!" The voice demanded.

"I was only simply trying to help her." She says, Kennedy could hear the smile in her tone.

"With what?! Giving her back her powers while shes still a vampire could kill her! Magnus and Alec will kill you when they get there hands on you,"

Camille scoffed "I'd like to see them try."

"The Clave will take care of you, take her away. " the voice thundered.

Camille's crys dissapeared a few seconds later and then Kennedy was left with silence.

Suddenly the door handle jiggled, Kennedy felt her heart lurch, she backed away from the door, an unfamiliar face appeared, he was a large man with blue skin, and frosty blue eyes that seemed to pierce directly through her when he looked at her.

She backed away frantically into a wall.

He s came close to her and bent down, smiling at her.

"Who...who are you?!" She demaded.

"Don't be afraid, my name is Edward, im here to help you." He says calmly.

Kennedy was flustered " should I trust you?!"

Edward frowned,  "please, let me help you."

Kennedy shook her head "I..I don't even know who the hell you are!"

Edward laughed a bit "I told you, my name is Edward, i'm a warlock, I heard about Camille and what she did to you, I knew how it was extremely dangerous, thank god you survived, your parents would be so upset. "

"What do you know about my family? " Kennedy sneers.

Edward placed a hand on Kennedys cheek "Please let me help you. "

Kennedy slapped his blue arm "get your hand off of me!"

Edward sighs.

"Why are you telling me all of this, what do you want from me?" Kennedy snaps.

"Nothing, because when you wake up, you won't remember a thing that's happened to you." Edward smiled.

Kennedy looked up slowly,  "What?"

She couldn't say anything else because she had already fell into a deep, peaceful sleep.

They had tracked Camille, it had taken hours, but they tracked her, she was underground here in Brooklyn, they were just now gearing up to go.

"Let me go with you. " Magnus says to Alec, holding Milo who was asleep in his arms.

"No Magnus, its too dangerous. "

"So? That hasn't stopped me before." Magnus said sternly.

"Magnus, you had a baby not even 24 hours ago,  your body can't handle fighting or battling right now, its best if you stay here with Simon and Clary, look after Milo and the twins.

Magnus wanted to say something, but he knew Alec was right.

Alec saw the concern in Magnus' eyes and came to Magnus' bedside.

"Its going to be okay, Kennedy will be okay, we'll all be one big happy family again soon I promise." Alec smiles stroking Magnus' cheek.

Magnus began to cry, he was so scared that he was going to loose his daughter.

"Hey, hey, hey, stop crying, shes going to be alright, I promise. " Alec smiles wiping away Magnus' tears with his thumb.

"I cant help so worried Alexander" he said shakily.

"Dont be, everything is going to be okay" Alec coos.

When Magnus wouldn't stop crying Alec looked down at the baby and giggled.

"Would you look at that? By the angel Mag's he looks just like you, the little hands, the little ears, the little lips, the little nose.." he tickled Magnus' nose causing him to giggle.

"We make beautiful babies dont we?" Magnus smiles down at Milo who gurgled a bit in his sleep.

Alec giggled, "yeah we do."

"Alec, " a voice says from the doorway, it was Isabelle.

"Im coming. " he nods.

Magnus looked up at his husband, "I love you" he says simply.

Alec placed a kiss on Magnus' lips.

"I love you too." Alec smiled.

He bent to give Milo a kiss "and I love you too pumpkin. " he coos.

The baby gurgled and grunted in response.

He said nothing after that, just walked away, stopping at the door way to blow a quick kiss to them both and dissapeared.

Magnus sighs "well I guess its just you and me huh?"



New chapter! Hope you enjoy! 

Sorry it was short, and im so so sorry for the wait, im once again extremely busy,  I mentioned it in my recent message to yall.

I have no idea when the next chapter will be here, but I hope its soon!

Love you all! :)))

War of Hearts (A Malec Mpreg)  ||ON HOLD||Where stories live. Discover now