Thirty nine

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New Years

"Alexander! Darling come here, come meet Catraina!" Magnus cries from the other side of the room.

Alec made his way over to Magnus and Catraina, having to shove a crowd of dancers put of the way in the process.

"How drunk is he?" Alec groaned.

Catraina frowned folding her arms in front of her chest.

"Very." Catraina sighed.

"Magnus I know who Catraina is."Alec says.

Magnus looked at him with a dumbfounded expression.

"Really?" Magnus asks his breath smelt very strongly of alcohol and Alec frowned.

"Baby how many have you had?"

"N..not many...just like 8." Magnus stammered taking a swig of his drink.

"8? Magnus by the angel..." Alec groaned.

"Hes hammered Alec maybe we should end the party?" Catraina insisted.

Magnus gasped in horror.

"You wouldn't dare!..This is a new years party! You will not end it!" Magnus demanded.

"Magnus you are nearly more intoxicated then the incident centuries ago!" Catraina snapped.

" not! And dont bring that up!" Magnus cries.

Suddenly, the entire room started counting down.

10, 9, 8,7

"Magnus! The countdown, c'mere baby. " Alec cries pulling his husband in.


Alec and Magnus kissed a slow, sloppy kiss as everyone shouted.

"Happy New Year!"

Alec pulled away and whispered "Happy New Year baby."

"Magnus Lightwood get back here right now!" Catraina demanded.

After Alec had sent everyone home Magnus had escaped from the bedroom where he was supposed to be sleeping.

But when Alec checked him while Catraina cleaned up he was gone.

"Never! I wish to become a bird! You cannot stop me!" Magnus cries flying on a carpet he magicked to fly.

"Magnus I swear when I get you, you'll be sorry! " Catraina thundered.

"This is ridiculous." Alec moaned into his hands.

"This is like the incident that happened centuries go! Its not going to end well!" Catraina spat.

In the distance they were able to hear Magnus' faint weeeee!

Alec was truly embarssed.

"Is there anyway we can get him down from there?" Alec shot back, not in anger but in annoyance of Magnus' behavior.

"not until he passes out. Its a good thing he wants to be a bird this time and not a cactus." Catraina sighed.

"What the hell are you talking about. " Alec groaned.

"The incident centuries ago....Ragnor and I had to chase Magnus everywhere...including a desert...he was flying on a carpet and he said he wanted to be a cactus....and then he...shot spikes at us." Catraina explained.

"What the actual hell?" Alec gasped in horror.


Alec shot a look in the direction Catraina started running in.

War of Hearts (A Malec Mpreg)  ||ON HOLD||Where stories live. Discover now