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1 month later

Magnus' eyes fluttered open slowly, he let out a quiet yawn.

The early mornings rays of sun shone through the curtains and into the room making it bright.

Magnus sighed and closed the curtains with a flick of his fingers and snuggles back into Alec.

"Much better. " he smiled groggily and closed his eyes again.

He instantly fell asleep after that.

He was awoken 1 hour later with a major cramp in his leg.
"Fuck!"he cries sitting up and grabbing his knee.

"Ooooooh ow!" He hisses rubbing his kneel.

"Magnus? " Alec asks groggily.

"Its my knee." Magnus yelps.

"Poor baby. " Alec cries, getting up and crawling next to Magnus to rub his knee.

"That feels heavenly darling thank you. " Magnus smiled.

"Are you better now? " Alec asks.

"Much better. " Magnus smiles kissing Alecs lips.

"I wish She'd come out, I don't like seeing you in pain." Alec frowns kissing Magnus on the head.

"I know, but its all worth it, the morning sickness, the swollen feet, the random pains, the cravings and moodswings, all of it, because in 2 months we'll have a daughter." Magnus smiled rubbing his bump.

"So what do you want to do today?" Alec smiled.

"I dont know darling. How about we start decorating the babies room?"

"That sounds like so much fun!" Alec smiles.

"Good, we will get started once I get a shower, I stink. " Magnus smiled.

Alec watched his boyfriend waddle over to his dresser and rummage through it.

He saw him choose a sparkled black sweater and rainbow sweat pants, no underwear.

Alec licked his lips at the thought of that.

"You know Alexander darling, you could use a shower too." Magnus smiled.

"Hey!" Alec gasps, hiding his smirk.

"Im joking, I want you to get in with me silly. "

"I know I know. "Alec laughs getting up and walking towards the dresser and Magnus.

Alec chose a black sweater and Nirvana pj pants.

Magnus smiled as they both walk into the bathroom.

"I cant explain how bad I want you right now Alexander."Magnus says slipping off his shirt.

Alec swallowed hard as he stared in awe at his flawless lines and the lower back dimples he had.

Every inch of Magnus' skin was glittery and sparkly.

Alec loved it.

Whenever he kissed him or made love, his lips would have the odd sparkle.

Alec bit his lower lip as Magnus slipped off his pants, he gaped at his bum.

He couldn't help but stare at his astonishing curves and edges.

"Like what you see? " Magnus grins.

"Y...your so..b..beautiful. " Alec stammered.

"I LOVE IT WHEN YOU DO THAT! " Magnus squeals with excitement.

He reached over his bump to turn he shower on while Alec got undressed.

Magnus turned around and sighed.

"Mmm..that gorgeous" Magnus licked his lips.

Alec smiles as Magnus wrapped his arms around him and brushed his nose against his.

"We have to find a way to do this around my bump. "Magnus smiled running his hands down Alec bare back.

Alec shivered, his hands were cold.

"Lets get it shall we?" He smiles taking Alecs hand.

"Sounds like a good idea" Alec smiles as Magnus led him into the shower.

The water was hot against his skin, it felt heavenly.

Magnus pulled Alec in against him and grinned.

"So hot" He says.

"Very. " Alec smiled back.

Magnus than kissed Alec, his hands around his waste, his soft, silky fingers creeping lovingly down his waste.

Their tounges brushed briskly against one another, Magnus savoured the taste of Alecs tounge and Alec did the same.

Alec ran his hands through Magnus' soaked hair and down his neck.

Magnus shuttered from his cold touch.

Alec groans as Magnus bit Alecs bottom lip hard.

"F..fuck.." he stammered between kisses.

Alec licks Magnus neck causing him to sigh in pleasure.

He than sucked the crook of his neck, savouring the sweet taste of his flesh.

"O..oh yes good." Magnus stammered.

Alec smiled into his neck.

"Alexander darling...maybe we should wash before the water is cold." Magnus smiled pulling away.

Alec laughs "right. "

Magnus grabbed the bar of soap from the shelf and smoothed it over his body.

Alec held his breath as he watched the graceful way he smoothed it over his smooth, silky, olive colored skin.

He watched as Magnus smoothed the soap over his chest and stomach, biting his lips holding back a moan.

He watched as Magnus ran the soap over his long gourgeus legs and sighed.

He wanted him so bad, but the baby, he wouldn't dare.

"Your turn Alexander. ' Magnus smiles handing him the white bar of soap.

Alec took it and saw that there were sparkles over it, he didn't care.

Magnus smiled as Alec washed, admiring his beautiful flawless body, covered in runes.

Magnus needed that man, right now, but he couldn't, because well he was 7 months pregnant.

So instead he began washing Alecs hair, his soft, jett black, perfect hair.

Alec smiled when he finished.

Alec washed Magnus' hair and than they finished up, well they thought they did.

The water began turning cold and Alec shivered.

"Damn plumbing, wait a second. " Magnus smiled.

Alec watched as Magnus twirled his fingers, blue magic sparked from his fingertips and instantly the water was hot again.

"I never want to leave this shower" Alec smiled, his nose touching Magnus'.

"Me either. "Magnus smiled and kissed Alecs lips.

The kiss was sloppy but still passionate and wonderful.

3 minutes into the kiss Alec pulled away, "What about the babys room?"

"Mmmm...tommorow darling, I dont want to stop kissing you."


This was kinda longer but kinda stunk...anyway I hope you liked. :) make sure you vote and comment though! Thanks

War of Hearts (A Malec Mpreg)  ||ON HOLD||Where stories live. Discover now