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Magnus breathed heavily through his nose as his eyes fluttered open slowly.

He felt something damp brushing against his face, it felt heavenly and he smiled a bit.

"Alexander" he says groggily.

"No...Magnus its me Clary." Clary was seated next to him on a chair, Simon wasn't there so it was the two of them.

"Wheres the vampire? " Magnus sighs shutting his eyes.

"Hes on the phone with Alec." Clary smiles stroking Magnus hair with the cloth.

"W...what happened. " Magnus asks, he felt awful.

"Your in labor cutie." Clary smiles.

Magnus' eyes grew wide.

" isn't here..and.."

"Simon is on the phone with him write now, hes on his way." Clary coos.

"How long have I been out? "

"About 3 hours, your progressing really quickly, I checked you just 45 minutes ago your already 6 centimeters. "

Magnus smiled wryly and than winced as his body tensed up into a contraction.

"ow..OW OW OW CLARY!" Magnus cries.

Clary is right next to him, cooing in his ear and rubbing his back.

"I know Mags, it hurts, just breathe through the pain." She coos.

Magnus breathes heavily through it and than lies back down onto the pillow.

"Your doing so well Magnus. " Clary smiles.

Magnus pouts looking up at the ceiling.

"hey! Your awake, how are you feeling? " Simon asks cheerfully coming into the room,

"Shitty." Magnus frowns shutting his eyes and breathing silently.

"Yeah hes 6 centimeters already, the contractions are also really close together Clary timed them." Simon said into the phone.

"C..Clary." Magnus squeals.

"Another contraction? "

Magnus squeezed his eyes shut and whimpered, gripping Clarys hand so tight he thought he would break it off.

"F..FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK! " Magnus screams.

"Your doing so good cutie, its almost over. " Clary coos.

Magnus breathes through his nose heavily and throws his head back onto the pillow.

"Oh god...I can't do this anymore. "He murmurs tiredly.

"Yes you can, its almost over and in a few hours, youll have your baby girl."

Magnus closed his eyes, he was exhausted.

"Hey baby mommy, baby daddy wants to talk to you. " Simon said holding the phone out so Clary could retrive it.

Clary hands Magnus the phone.

"Alexander. " Magnus smiled weakly.

"Hi baby, how are you feeling?" Alec asks.

"It hurts, it hurts darling, I want you here with me." Magnus cries.

" I know baby and I am so so sorry that im not, im coming as fast as I can." Alec frowns.

"I need you here, please hur..." Magnus was cut off with a contraction.

War of Hearts (A Malec Mpreg)  ||ON HOLD||Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ