Fanfic trailer contest!

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Hey guys!

So I decided to try something a little different :)
Since I can't edit for shit and want to create another fanfic trailer I decided that I'd host a contest open for all you beautiful people to participate in (if you'd like!)

The rules are simple!

● Create a fanfic trailer using the major things that has happened so far in the book, (ex: Magnus finding out hes pregnant, Kennedy as a newborn, the wedding, the sex scene before the marriage, whichever works. )

● Add any fitting music to the trailer (my recommendations is anything that's by sleeping at last)

● Make sure you have your watermark on it so I can give you credit.

● Post your edit on instagram and tag me so I can see, my account is @harryglitters !

●also please dm me the edit incase I don't see the tag!

● Edits are due February 28th 2018!

●the winner will receive a shoutout on my wattpad, in this book, and on my instagram (story and wall! ) which will stay up for 48 hours!

● I will post the winning trailer here in the fanfic and also on my youtube where it will receive a shout out and full credit! 
Have fun and good luck!  I really hope you participate in a chance to be a part of this book! :)

War of Hearts (A Malec Mpreg)  ||ON HOLD||Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt