Fifty Four

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(Ok so before I begin this chapter, there has been alot of people asking me why I get the kids to call Magnus mom.
I do this because of the fact that he had the miracle of carrying them, I consider him as a mom. Yes hes a guy, but again since he had these children I want to call him a mother.)

Magnus had never been more relieved in his life.

Isabelle had called and told Magnus that they had found Kennedy and Alec was with her, although she wasnt sure where he knew that she was safe with Alec there to protect her.

Magnus walked downstairs to where the Clary,Simon and the twins were eating lunch with Milo in his arms.

He slumped down in the chair with a yawn and let out a loud groan of exhaustion. 

Simons smile turned into a frown as he saw Magnus' face.

" look terrible. "  He gasped.

He was right, Magnus looked as if he hadn't slept in weeks, his hair was a messy, tangled mess, his eyes were blood shot, baggy and smudged with old eyeliner and glitter, he was sheet white and a little green, Simon didn't know why, maybe he wasn't feeling well or something.

"Simon!" Clary gasped hitting him.

Magnus glared at the vampire clearly annoyed.

"Well im sorry! I just gave birth less than 48 hours ago, Ive been awake since then because Milo doesn't like sleeping in his crib, he's been in my arms for hours, I haven't gone to the bathroom yet, I haven't showered or been able to brush my hair or teeth, Milo spit up on me so many times I've lost count and to add on top of all this Im starving!"

Simon who was left speechless glared down at his blood smoothie and began playing with the straw.

"W.." Simon was about to speak but Magnus cut him off by raising a finger to Simon, silencing him.

"Don't...don't speak, your voice is like a hammer, it just pounds through my skull."

Simon swallowed and took a drink of his dark red smoothie without saying another word.

"Hey Mom! Guess what?" Abigail suddenly blurts out.

Magnus smiled up at her lovingly "what is it sweetie?"

"I got a A+ on my Math test!" She giggled happily.

"Did you?! Oh my god honey im so proud of you!" Magnus gasped happily knowing how hard his daughter had studied for the test.

"Mrs. Johnson said that my mark was the highest in the class and she gave me a chocolate bar for it." She smiled proudly.

"You deserved it pumpkin. " he smiled proudly at her.

Suddenly a peice of paper fluttered onto the table in front of Magnus.

It read the names of 12 students, some were:

Amanda O'Neil- Flyer
Jaylee Camerons- flyer
Laylin Evans- flyer
Kansas Johnson- base
Brittany Miles- base
Isabelle Davis- back

And what caught Magnus' eye
Gabriel Lightwood-Bane -captain

Magnus looked up at his son who was smiling uncontrollably at his mother.

"What is this?"he chuckles softly completely unaware of what Gabriel was showing him.

"I made the cheer team and they made me captian!" He cries happily.

Magnus' jaw dropped. "No effing way!"

"Yes way! Our first practice is tomorrow after school!" He giggled excitedly.

War of Hearts (A Malec Mpreg)  ||ON HOLD||Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя