Fifty Seven

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Alec let out a choked cry as the demons sharp fangs sunk into his flesh sending unbearable sharp pains down his chest.

Alec struggled to get up but the demon was too strong.

"Get off me!" He demanded pushing the demon forward as hard as he could.

It let out a loud screech of anger and protest in Alec's face, he nearly choked from the smell of its hot, rotting garbage like breath.

He layed there helplessly for a few moments, letting all the anger sink in.

Suddenly his anger bubbled over and he blew up right than and there.

He some how managed to gain the strength to shove the demon off of him just far enough for him to grab his sword and plunge it into the demons chest.

It let out an ear splitting screech and than burst into ashes that fell gracefully to the floor.

Alec fell to the floor panting. He dropped the sword beside him and collapsed.

"Dad?!" A voice cried. It was Kennedy.

She came into the room to find Alec on the floor, his body spasming from the demon poison that was inside him.

Horrified Kennedy rushed towards him and fell to her knees.

She turned him onto his back and let out a choked cry when she saw the massive gash across Alecs chest.

His demon posion splattered shirt was torn and the dark wine color of his blood seeped through it.

Kennedy could feel her fangs pierce her lower lip as she gaped at the blood running down Alecs chest and side.

Her hunger grew worse as she heard it pitter patter onto the floor.

The smell was absolutely mouth watering and Kennedy who was fighting to keep from biting him was slowly loosing control.

She suddenly reached a point where she couldn't hold back anymore, as hard as she tried, she couldn't.

She lurched forward into Alecs chest, a growl escaping her throat and bit down.

Magnus groaned as he awoke, his whole body ached, and he felt as if he'd vomit.

He grabbed his head that felt as if someone were drilling through his skull and let out a choked cry.

It ached and spun making Magnus even more nauseous. 

He tried standing up but was violently pulled back down.

Magnus let out a scream of agony as the cuffs dug into his flesh.

He felt something warm dribble down his wrists, and when he looked he saw that he was bleeding.

"Hello?!"He cried out flailing his arms and legs violently trying to escape the cuffs grips.

There was no answer. No noise, nothing. Just complete and utter silence.

Frustrated, Magnus tried using his magic but it was too weak.

"FUCK!" He cried in anger, stomping his foot against the concrete floor.

"HELLO?!" Magnus screams as loud as he possibly could.


Suddenly the sound of foot steps echoed through the cold wet air.

He braced himself for anything that might happen once he heard a key jiggling the lock.

Suddenly the door flung open and a tall figure appeared through the door.

Magnus couldn't see the face of the man but as he came closer he realized he didn't recognize him.

"What have you done with me? Where am I?! I demand answers! " Magnus thundered, his cat eyes gleaming as a threat to the guard.

The guard did not answer. Instead he reached into his pocket for something, Magnus could feel his heart start to race.

"You will pay for this! You won't get away with this! Once the clave finds out about'll pay! You'll all pay!" Magnus spat in anger.

"Boss wants me to keep you quiet." Was all the guard said before pulling out a needle with some sort of clear liquid inside of it.

Magnus' heart lurched through his throat as he saw the injection.

He flailed his body violently as the guard came close to him with the needle.

"NO!" he screamed tossing and turning, trying everything he could to avoid the needle.


He suddenly felt a sharp pain in his arm, he let out a choked gasp as the liquid was slowly injected into his veins.

He tried to move but couldn't. He was too weak, and suddenly he was surrounded by a soothing blackness.

Clary clutched a screaming Milo to her chest as she ran. Simon right behind her.

They had been running for what felt like forever. But after a few minutes they finally reached the institute.

Clary stopped in front of the steps to catch her breath while Simon watched.

"What happened back there?!" Simon asked in horror. Remembering Alecs urgent cries of fear, demanding they get the kids out immediately.

"Demon attack.." Clary choked out.

"Wait? Seriously? But I thought..."

Simon was cut off by Clarys cry of terror.

"Where...Where is Kennedy?!"She demanded.

"I..I thought she was behind me?" Simon cried looking around frantically.

"You were supposed to be watching her!" Clary snapped. 

Simon stood spluttering out a jumble of nonsense words, not sure what to say.

"Go back to Magnus'! Find her! She could be in danger!" She demands angrily.


"GO!" she screamed in frustration. 

Simon nodded, hesitating none and too off.

Hey guys! Another new chapter!  :)
Hope you enjoyed! 

Its getting intense! ;) What do you think will happen? 

I love being the writer, I have all the control mwahahaha XD

Anyway, really hope you liked it! It took me forever to write since I constantly had writers block!

New chapter soon :)

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