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3 years later....Christmas Day

3 years had passed since Kennedy was born and they were the best 3 years Magnus and Alec had ever had.

Here they were, 3 years later, sitting on the couch with Clary, Simon, izzy, and Jace.

They all watched Kennedy tear open her last present.

It was from Clary and Simon, it was a lego set, a teddy bear, glitter ( she became OBSESSED with glitter over the years)
And a doll.

"Kennedy what do you say to godmother Clary? " Alec asks sweetly.

"Thwank you Cwary!" She squealed.

Clary giggles in response.

Every one got something, Clary and Jace got a coffee maker, and clothes.

Simon and Izzy got cooking supplies (for izzy) and Action figures (for simon).

Magnus And Alec got tons of stuff, clothes, cards, clogne, glitter etc.

Magnus smiled snuggling into Alecs chest, watching Izzy play with Kennedy.

"I have something for you baby." Alec smiled pullinga box from behind him.

Magnus smiles "baby you didn't...."

"Shut up and open it.."

Magnus grins kissing Alecs lips and began opening the box.

He gasped at what he saw, a giant ruby necklace it was heavy.

Magnus was in tears.

"Darling, this mustve costed you a fortune...thank you. " Magnus smiled.

"Id do anything for you. " Alec smiled.

"Its beautiful. "

Magnus allowed Alec to put it on his neck.

They exchanged kisses and hugs and then Magnus smiled.

He snapped his fingers and a box appears on Alecs lap.

He was smiling wide as Alec opened it.

He pulled out a cup.

"Worlds greatest dad." It read.

Alec chuckles, "thanks baby."

"Theres more! Keep going! " He smiles.

Alec smiled too, and pulls out a ring.

"Its beautiful baby thanks!"

Magnus smiled in response.

Lastly he pulled out a card,

It was just greeting on it.

Alec opened it and gasped.

"MAGNUS! " he cries gaping at the card.

There was a ultrasound picture of twin babies, teeny little babys.

"Suprise" Magnus smiled, tears brimmed his eyes.

Simon, Izzy, Clary and Jace were watching in curiosity.

"" Alec squeaks.

"Im pregnant Alexander! Were having twins!"

Everyone shouts in joy.

"Congratulations guys!" Simon cries.

"I..your having two babies? !"

"Were having two babies darling! "

Suprise! !!

I was wanting to do this forever....
Sorry its tired as hell...

Till next time.....

War of Hearts (A Malec Mpreg)  ||ON HOLD||Where stories live. Discover now