Fifty Eight

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"Are you idiots insane?!" Imogen snapped in complete and uttered frustration.

"But we brought Magnus to you like you asked!" One of the guards protested.

"NO! No! I wanted Kennedy! His daughter you idiot! Not Magnus!" She demanded angrily jabbing her finger at the group of guards standing in front of her.

"Well sorry boss..we must've messed up. " One of the younger guards replied guiltily. 

"How could you have messed this up?! I gave you all specific directions! How could you not remember?!" She yelled.

"We're sorry boss..we really are..we promise it won't happen again.." The oldest guard says sadly.

"It better not, because if it does I'll lock each and everyone one of you away from the world and hold you captive until the day you die. " Imogen sneered.

"So are we excused?" The same guard asked.

"Absolutely not." She laughs. "Are you serious? You actually had the decency to ask me such a stupid question at a time like this?! Of course you're not excused!" She cried in disbelief walking closer to the group. 

"Bring me Kennedy Joyce Lightwood-Bane immediately! Or you're all dead!"
Alec awoke to a pounding head, a turning stomach and an aching body.

He slowly opened his eyes, blinking a few times before his vision became clearer.

He slowly sat up holding his throbbing head and moaned.

"Hey, you're awake. " a voice says happily.

Alec turned his head and saw Clary coming towards him, a giant smile spread across her face.

"W..what happened?" Alec moaned.

"You were attacked by a shape shifter demon in Magnus' apartment. You gave us quite the scare, we thought we'd lost you when Simon and Kennedy carried you through those doors." Clary explained sitting on the edge of Alec's bed.

"W..where am I?" He asked next.

"The Institute. Kennedy and Simon rushed you here right after the attack." Clary replied.

Alec shut his eyes, the pain and brightness of the lights were too much for him.

"W..Where's Kennedy?" Alec croaked after a few minutes of silence.

"She's resting, all of this had her a little shook up." Clary replied ringing out a cloth she had dipped into a metallic bowl filled with water.

" she okay?"Alec asked in panic.

"She's fine Alec. Lay back. You need rest, and a lot of it." Clary said handing Alec the damp cloth. "Here, you're gonna need this if you want that headache to go away."

Alec took the cloth and wiped his face gingerly.

He layed back against the pillows a few moments later and folded up the cloth to lay against his forehead.

"I'll be right back, you stay put, no getting out of bed." Clary told Alec sternly. "I mean it."

"I don't plan on it." Alec moaned shutting his eyes. Why were these lights so damn bright?

He shut his eyes and groaned. The spinning sensation and the drilling pain was enough to make him vomit.

As he lay there, he noticed something was off about himself, although he wasn't sure what.

And than..he realized exactly what it was.

The burning, the god awful burning in his throat.

It felt as if someone had shoved a red hot iron down his throat and left it there.

War of Hearts (A Malec Mpreg)  ||ON HOLD||Where stories live. Discover now