Fourty Four

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Your all going to have a baby brother soon.

Kennedy felt as if she would burst into tears, but she couldn't, not here, not in front of the family.

So she rushed out of the room and up the stairs, she ignored Alec calling her name from behind her.

She hurried into her room and slammed the  door shut, locking it.

She fell to her butt and inhaled deeply through her nose forcing back the tears that threatened to spill.

But when she thought about it more her lip quivered and she burst into a sob.

"They have all these fucking babies!"she cried punching the wall next to her.

She didn't even feel the pain of the impact or the hot blood dribbling down her knuckles.

"They don't even care about me now, theyre just going to ignore me when the new babies here!" She blubbered.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door startling Kennedy.

"Go away! " Kennedy sniffles.

"Kennedy honey open up, we have to talk." It was Magnus.

"No we don't." Kennedy demanded.

"Kennedy, please darling open up, or I'll have no other choice but to open them myself. " Magnus warned.

Kennedy growls getting to her feet. She wipes her eyes with a sniffle as she opened the door to Magnus standing there looking extremely worried.

Magnus stepped in and walked to her bed where he sat down with a sigh.

"What do you want?" Kennedy grunted.

"To talk to you honey," Magnus says softly.

Kennedy rolled her eyes folding her arms in front of her chest.

"Why?" She scoured.

"I want to know why you took off like that. Are you upset? " Magnus asks calmly.

Kennedy sneers at Magnus. "isn't it obvious?!"

Magnus frowns.

"You don't pay attention to me while the other kids are here so I can just fucking imagine what will happen when hes born" Kennedy cried she had to bite her lip so she wouldn't get out of control with her anger.

Magnus looked hurt, like his own daughter had just smacked him in the face.

"Oh, honey is that what your afraid of? Us forgetting about you?" He asks.

"You already did forget about me thats just it!" Kennedy shouts.

"Kennedy honey,  calm down, please,  your eyes are yellow." Magnus says cooly.

"How can I calm down?!  All you do is ignore me! You yell at me! You tell me everything im doing wrong, you dont support me! In your eyes I never do anything good! You judge my music taste,  you judge my look! All you do is point out all of my flaws! Everything I do wrong! But then Abigail and Gabriel never do anything wrong!  They're your goodie two shoes kids! They never do anything wrong and that's why you show them love and affection all the time! When you just fucking ignore me?! Im sick of it! I used to  try to make you happy with the way I look and my choices in music and who I want to be! But you know what? I gave up on that long ago because you dont fucking care! All you care about is Abigail and Gabriel!  How do you think that makes me feel? Good? Just because I seem like one of those goth girls or whatever you call people like me but I do have feelings! I do want love too! But I dont get that!  And most nights I want to die! I have depression Mom! I have it bad and little do you know I cry myself to sleep at night because I dont feel loved!" Kennedy sobbed.

She looked and saw Magnus sobbing hysterically.

"Yeah you should feel bad! " Kennedy demanded.

"Oh Kennedy,  im so so sorry," Magnus hiccups.

"Yeah sure your probably just saying that. Once were finished this so called conversation here, youll go downstairs and ignore me again, pretend it never happened. " Kennedy snorted.

"KENNEDY STOP! " Magnus screams his voice shaky as he sobs.

"See your yelling at me again! " Kennedy squealed.

"Kennedy, im so sorry," Magnus sobs.

"Keep saying that it doesn't make a difference. " Kennedy scoffs.

"Kennedy please, listen to me. Dont ever think me and your father dont love you. Dont ever say we love the twins more then you! We love you so much honey! Im so sorry for making you feel this way, its just I didn't know what to do, im sorry we tried making you happy" Magnus sniffles.

"And you thought screaming at me for everything I do and grounding me would help. It makes it worse! It doesn't help at all! Maybe id be happy with you telling me how you like my makeup and clothes and music instead of yelling at me telling me everything I do wrong! Jeez you dont know much about parenting do you? " Kennedy snaps.

Kennedy immediately regretted the last sentence she said, and when she looked up and saw Magnus on the floor, sobbing even harder, her heart shattered.

" sorry I didn't mean that last part, im so sorry. " Kennedy says placing a hand on Magnus' back who shook like s leaf as he sobbed.

When he didn't respond Kennedy felt absolutely horrible.

" sorry, please forgive me.."

Magnus shot up suddenly, hugging Kennedy tightly and sobbing into her hair as he burried his nose into it.

"Your right Kennedy, im so sorry for hurting you. Im so sorry baby. Please you have to forgive me, I can't loose you, I can't loose you!" Magnus kissed her hair over nd over again pleading for forgiveness.

"Your not going to loose me." Kennedy says hugging him back.

"How many months are you?" Kennedy asks rubbing Magnus' bump.

"5 months, im due January 11th," Magnus smiled.

"Can...can he hear me if I talk to him?" Kennedy asks suddenly.

Magnus looked at her with joyful eyes, this was the first time in a long time he had a talk with his daughter without fighting.

"Yes, he can, babies can hear really well when you talk to them, when I was pregnant with you, daddy would talk to you and you would kick and move around like crazy. " Magnus smiled.

"Really? " Kennedy asks.

"Yes, and im sure if he hears his sisters voice, he'll move for you to feel him " Magnus smiled.

Kennedy placed both hands on the bump and kissed it softly.

"Hey, Milo its your sister,  the oldest one Kennedy. Im so sorry for all the yelling it must have scared you, me and mommy were just talking. There isn't going to be anymore yelling, so theres no need to be frightened. I can't wait for you to arrive. You have a wonderful home and a family that loves you so much waiting for you to be born...and..." Kennedy gasped at the sudden kick against her palms.

"Was..was that him? "

Magnus grins widely "yes, he understands you and loves you honey"

Kennedy with teary filled eyes kissed the bump repeatedly.

"I love you so much'

She smiled then, a wide smile filled with joy and happiness and Magnus' heart melted because this was the first real smile he h had  seen her do in years.


Dramatic chapter :o

Hope you enjoyed ♥

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