Twenty Eight

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Magnus awoke to cooing sounds.

He felt weirdly well rested even though he just had 2 babies.

He slowly sat up in bed seeing Ragnor and Alec sitting in separate chairs holding 2 bundles of joy.

"Can I hold my babies?" Magnus asks sleepily.

Both Ragnor and Alec looked up.

Alec grinned wide standing up coming towards him.

"Theyre beautiful Maggie, we have a daughter and son!"

"A...a daughter? " Magnus squeals.

"Yes! Ragnor delivered her while you were passed out from the pain. Shes healthy and perfect...they both are." Alec grins wide handing the baby to Magnus.

It was definitely the baby girl, she had a pink hat on and was wrapped up in a purple and white blanket.

Magnus smiled wide, staring down at his baby girl whos eyes were shut.

Magnus placed a finger on her lips and grins.

"Your so perfect. I love you so much "Magnus smiled kissing her teeny forehead.

Ragnor hands his baby boy with a smile.

He wore a white hat and was wrapped in a blue blanket.

His eyes as well were shut.

Magnus couldn't help but giggle, and suddenly tears spilled down his cheeks thatnhe was unable to control.

"Hi your mommy....I love you so much," Magnus sniffles happily, his heart melting in joy.

Suddenly his son makes a whimpering sound as if he was about to cry.

Magnus kissed his cheek.

He went quiet.

Or so he thought.

He watched as the babies eyes crinkled and he opened his mouth, screaming.

"Oh poor baby! Shhhh shhhh its okay, its okay hush now baby boy, its okay, its okay, your safe" Magnus coos.

Suddenly the other baby burst into tears as well and Magnus was left baffled.

"Shh its okay its okay mommys got you"

"I think I know what they want." Ragnor says suddenly.

"What?" Magnus asks.

"They have just been born 2 hours ago, I assume that they are famished" Ragnor smiled.

"Oh! Im sorry darlings, your hungry aren't you?" Magnus coos.

"Here, ill feed one to make it easier. " Alec smiled.

"Of course Honey" Magnus smiled handing his baby girl to Alec.

Magnus whipped up 2 bottles, one for Alec and baby b and one for his son.

He placed the bottle in the screaming infants mouth and suddenly the room went silent.

"There you go, all better? "Magnus smiled kissing the babies forehead.

"So, did you think of what to name your precious bundles?"

"I...I have one, but I don't know if its weird.." Magnus says staring at Ragnor.

"Tell me baby"

"For our daughter, um, I was thinking Abigail Paige" Magnus said.

The room was silent for a long moment and Magnus was embarrassed, he thought they hated the name.

"I absolutely love that name Magnus, where did you get it?" Alec smiled.

"I...I don't know I just really like the name"

"Well, so do I" Alec grins.

"Well, I guess we have a name for you little one, Abigail Paige." Ragnor smiled placing a finger on her teeny nose.

"What should we name him" Magnus asks, smiling at his son who was driving his bottle ravishingly.

"Absolutely no idea." Alec says.

"Well, I have a solution why don't we start naming off some names? And pick one that way?" Magnus asks.

"Wait, um....I actually have a name in mind, if that's okay? " Ragnor says suddenly.

"Of course Ragnor, what is the name?"

"I was thinking, um...Gabriel... Gabriel Dakota. "

Magnus absolutely loved the sound of that.

"Sounds like youve had that name for a while" Alec laughs.

"Um...yeah..I may have did some searching while Magnus was in labor. "

"Its a wonderful name Ragnor, I absolutely love it! " Magnus cries happily.

"Thank you! "Ragnor smiled proudly.

"Well Darling, I guess your name is Little Gabriel Dakota. " Magnus smiled.


Hey sorry it sucked!

But yeah, hope you enjoyed

Baby descriptions will be up soon!

War of Hearts (A Malec Mpreg)  ||ON HOLD||Where stories live. Discover now