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Kennedy ran faster then she ever had before, her vampire speed making her dizzy.

She wanted to escape the world, escape the fact that she had killed her own father.

"How could I be so horrible and disgusting?" She had asked herself when she had done it.

The look on Alec's face when she came lurching towards him, her fangs out, ready to sink into his flesh was complete and uttered horror, he didn't even have time to react, all he could d was gasp and choke as Kennedy fed.

She hated herself more then ever before. She wanted herself dead, because in her eyes all she did was hurt the ones she loved and she was horrified that she might do it again.

"This is all my fault. " Kennedy said as she approached an alley.

"He wouldn't have been taken if I didn't exist, they took him because they found out what I was!" She cried in complete rage, clenching her fist shut and punching the brick wall in front of her as hard as she could.

She was too numb from her emotions to even realize that she had broken her knuckles, they were bloody and bruised severely but she didn't seem to care.

She shook her fist as if it could heal it and inhaled her shaky sobs.

She began opening a portal, she wasn't sure where to exactly but she knew she had to find Magnus no matter what the situation was. Even if she had to die to do it.

She finished the portal within a few moments, inhaling sharply as she took in what could be waiting for her if she really did find him.

Just as she was about to step through, she was yanked away from the doorway to god knows where.

"Hey!" Kennedy cried fighting to wriggle out of the persons grip, but they were too strong.

As she was pulled farther and farther into the alleyway she was greated by more people, several of them, all dressed in suits.

Kennedy choked back a scream as the persons elbow slammed into her back.

"What the hell do you want from me?!" Kennedy snapped in complete anger.

"We have strict orders from our boss Imogen to take you back to Idris to her. But then we received a call from her say she wanted you dead. I guess she changed her mind, and in my opinion it was the right choice, an abomination like you deserves to rot in the darkest pits of hell." A tall, lanky man said, drawing out a sword from his boot.

She swallowed the lump in her throat as the tip of the sword was placed at her throat.

She had to get free of this persons grip, she had to save her father from whatever maniac kidnapped him.

She shut her eyes as the sword dug deeper into her flesh and yelped.

Suddenly, all of the moments that she had "ruined", including the fact she had killed Alec came flooding back in her mind causing her to lash out.

She violently kicked the man in front of her in the crotch sending him stumbling backwards into a wall, the sword clanging against the ground as he fell.

She dug her elbow in the stomach of the guy who had her in his grip and spun around, when he doubled over in pain, she kicked him so hard that he slammed into the brick wall she had punched and shattered some of the bricks.

Vampire strength sure came in handy.

She grabbed the sword that was on the ground a few feet away and slashed the tall, lanky man in the throat.

A smile crept onto her lips as she saw him grab his throat, and choke on the blood that spilled out of his mouth.

The man fell to the ground, dead.

She ran up a wall, and backflipped to the man who had held her in his grip and plunged it into his stomach.

He let out a loud cry of agony as it tore through his flesh, splattering blood all over Kennedy.

He stared at her, in complete horror as she yanked the sword out of the man.

She smiled at the man, and licked the sword of its blood, making sure it was the last thing he saw before he collapsed dead onto the ground.

She heard another cry and heard footsteps charging towards her, before the man could reach her, Kennedy spun around and used her free hand to slam the man into a dumpster.

He groaned in agony as she neared, sword pointed down towards his heart.

"Please.." the man choked, gazing up at her in horror, "I..I I'm so sorry I was just following orders..Please let me live..I really am sorry.." he cried, but his lies didn't fool Kennedy one bit.

"Daddy didn't raise no fool." She smiled and plunged the sword into the man's heart, he died instantly.

It all hit Kennedy like a truck after that, she had killed several people.

She panicked, looking around at the bodies, all sprawled across the gravol and broke down into a sob.

"Fuck.." she shuddered, "I..I can't believe I did this..." she sobbed dropping the sword onto the ground.

She had to get out of here before someone found her, and the portal was still open. So she ran towards it, her fear growing worse and worse.

Before she could reach the portal she was knocked to the ground by someone.

Her vision was too hazy to make out the figure, the blow from the ground had left her breathless.

She blinked again, her breathing shallow and noticed it was another man, one she hadn't seen before, but he wore the same colored suit as the other men.

"How cute, you thought you saved yourself huh?" The man said teasingly, placing a sword on Kennedy's heart, "Well honey, you thought wrong, you aren't the big, strong warlock you thought you were after all."

Kennedy tried to speak but all that came out were chokes and squeaks.

"L..l..let g..go!" She wheezed as the sword dug deeper into her chest, piercing through the skin causing her to cry out into the air.

"Not a chance, boss wants you dead and that's what I'm here for, to kill you."

Kennedy let out a loud scream as he lifted the sword high and plunged it down towards her chest.

She squeezed her eyes shut, bracing herself from the pain.


OOOF!!! YALL!!!!

Anyway I'm so happy, two chapters in one day?! Insane right? !
I made it longer too! :)

I really hope you enjoyed this! Cant wait to write 61!!!!

Love you all!!!! Xoxoxo ♥

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