Fifty Six

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(Reupload for those who couldn't read it before ♥)

"Hey, I just put Milo down for his nap. " Clary says coming into the kitchen.

"Good, because I just made you a sandwich. You seem hungry." Simon smiles holding out a plate with a sandwich on it.

She took it with a thankful smile and sat in a chair at the table. "Thanks Si," She said cheerfully picking the sandwich up.

"How'd you know I was hungry? " She giggled taking a bite, her stomach gurgled in delight.

"I heard you telling Milo how badly you wanted food earlier."He laughs putting the mayo away.

Clary laughed into the sandwich and Simon took a seat beside her.

"Mmm oh by the angel Simon! This is amazing! What's in it?" Clary groaned.

Simon who was looking through his messages looked up from his phone.

"I put mayo, dijon mustard, lettuce, cheese, bacon, tomatoes, ham, chicken and salt and pepper, all of your favorite things in one." He grins.

"Wow." Clary hummed into another bite. "You know me well." She laughs.

Suddenly the house began to shake and Clary could hear a whoosh of air, almost like the sound of a hurricane passing through a town.

It stopped a few moments later and now there were voices coming down the hall.

Clary rushed towards the sound and found Alec and Kennedy walking down the hall. They were looking around as if they were lost.

"Alec?" Clary asks trying to keep up with the two.

They both stop in their tracks and turn to face Clary.

"Where's Magnus?" Alec asks, his voice stern and serious.

Kennedy looked as if she'd been crying recently, her cheeks were streamed with fresh wet mascara that ran over the older mascara marks.

"He's asleep in his room, he needed to take a break and I offered to take care of Milo while he slept. "Clary explains.

"I don't think he's sleeping. " He replied, his voice deep and scary.

Clary gazed at him in confusion, "What do you mean?" She asks worriedly. "He has to be. He hasn't came out of his room, we would have heard him, and besides He's been completely silent this whole time."

"There are other ways to be silent other than sleeping smart ass!" He snaps at her, his voice afraid and worried.

Clary felt as if Alec had smacked him in the face and it stung.

"Dad there's no need to snap at Clary, she was taking care of Milo, she couldn't have known." Kennedy tells him.

"Whatever. " Alec growls. "I need to check on him. He most likely passed out, " he swallows.

"Kennedy come with me, we may need your magic." He says rushing down the hall and to Magnus' room.

Kennedy hesitated none and followed Alec to Magnus' room.

"Stay here, " Alec warns pushing Kennedy back and pulling out a seraph blade from his boot.

Kennedy nods and waits on the other side of the door.

Alec opened the door slowly, his heart racing as he peeked through the small opening.

When he couldn't see anything he opened the door a bit more, "Magnus?" He asks. "You okay?"

No answer

Alec inhaled a shaky breath, his heart pounding against his chest, and flung open the door.

He saw Magnus curled into into the blankets asleep, small snores escaped from his throat.

Alec let out a loud sigh of relief.

"By the angel Magnus you had us terrified something happened to you!" Alec cried sitting on the bed.

Magnus stirred in his sleep and chuckled as he awoke. "Mmm, Alec, is that you?" He asks groggily.

"Yeah, its me. I'm home and so is Kennedy. " Alec smiles running his hands through Magnus' hair.

Magnus purred against the feeling and gazed up at Alec with his big brown eyes.

As Alec gazed into Magnus' eyes he noticed that they seemed off, there was something strange about them and it made Alec shiver.

"Sorry, I must've fallen asleep!" Magnus squealed and burst into a high pitched cackle.

Magnus glared at Alec horrified, this was not Magnus.

"Do you feel okay?" Alec asks, his heart racing and his hands shaking.

"I feel fine dear, what do you mean?" He asks cheerfully.

"Nothing." Alec says reaching for his blade.

"I guess its because I haven't seen you in a while...maybe its just my mind playing tricks on me."

Magnus smiled a smile that made Alec shudder and blinked.

"Kiss me." He whines pouting his lips out.

"I uh...I can't...I have to check Milo.." Alec swallowed tightening his grip on the blade.

Magnus glared at him, his expression turning from happiness to pure and uttered anger.

"Why won't you kiss me?!" He snapped, "Don't you love me?!"

Alec saw Magnus' eyes flicker from brown, to pure black and back to brown.

"Because you're not Magnus," Alec growled backing away from the shape shifter demon.

The demon let out a loud roar of anger, its eyes changing from Magnus' brown ones to pure black.

"CLARY! SIMON! GET MILO OUT OF THE HOUSE NOW!" Alec screamed just as the demon lunged straight for him, its tentacles shooting out of the mouth of Magnus' fake body.

Alec would've stabbed the demon right than and there but it was too fast.

Hey guys...its me again, back with a new chapter.
I apologize for it being so short, I got writers block half way through and tried the best I could to make it interesting.

Im sorry for not uploading all these months I've just been through a lot and plus the holidays kept me busy.

Anyways how was your Christmas and New Years?

Mine was alright, I was with my girlfriend on new years, had a few drinks, got insanely drunk and passed out lol, but my Christmas was shitty, I had a stomach virus Christmas eve and was getting sick from 11ish to 5:30ish the next morning.
I felt extremely ill and weak all of Christmas day so I wasn't able to do much. It sucked.

Anyway, I can't promise that my next update will be soon but I can promise I will write it eventually for you guys ♥♡♥
Pinky promise! Love you!

War of Hearts (A Malec Mpreg)  ||ON HOLD||Where stories live. Discover now